Drama Prt 3

126 6 7

Liam's POV

As I walked into the shop and waited in line for my coffee, I was starting to get a little stressed thinking about my situation with Simon, now that I was alone in a little coffee shop, I felt now was a great place to have an existential crisis, aside from you know, being at fucking home.

Liam: "What the fuck do I do?"

????: "Excuse me? What do you think your doing?"

I looked beside me to see a lady trying to step ahead of me, I gently gestured to her to move back and join the line.

Liam: "Waiting for my coffee like everyone else here."

????: "Why would you wait in line, just make it and piss off, teenagers these days are so entitled."

Liam: "I'm pretty sure you... You know what I have more important things to worry about."

As the line got closer she refused to walk away, in fact, I watched her step right in front of me and physically push me back.

Liam: "I'm giving you till the count of three before I get someone to kick you out."

????: "Are you threatening me? Who the hell do you think you are? Go get your manager, I need to talk to them about you so I can file a complaint."


Liam: "Lady I'm wearing a red shirt and jeans, the hell makes you think I work here. But I have time, gives me a chance to think about my own problems."

As I let her cut in front, I waited patiently, albeit a little frustrated, behind her as she ordered. I swear to God it took her about 7 minutes the immature bitch. As I walked up to the counter I looked at the name tag and saw her name.

Liam: "I see your name, sorry Olive about the commotion in the line."

Olive: "It's alright, I noticed the whole thing and she was quite rude, what can I get for you?"

As I relayed my coffee to her, I watched as she punched it into her system and then started ringing it up.

Liam: "Alright how much is that?"

Olive: "Free."

Liam: "I'm sorry?"

Olive: "That lady ordered a few coffee's and a meal, I added the price of another coffee onto her meal as a little payback for you."

Liam: "You deserve, a literal golden medal you fucking trooper."

As she giggled to herself and placed my order in, I waited patiently before having a small idea, and the idea just got bigger and bigger. Until it felt like an impulse decision.

Liam: "Hey."

Olive: "There you are Liam, and don't worry about any stupid immature fangirls OK? They aren't smart enough to realize what's going on. Good luck with everything."

That would also explain it. She knows.

Simon: "Hi."

Liam: "I'm sorry about earlier."

Simon: "There's no need to be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong."

Liam: "I was wondering if I can ask you something?"

Simon: "Of course, anything."

????: "You, that one. Where's my money?"

Liam: "I'm sorry."

????: "You clearly did something, my daughter just told me I was charged extra, this is your fault."

Liam: "For fuck sake lady can you fuck off and leave me alone? I have shit I need to figure out and work to do so can you leave me alone or I will call the police."

????: "You stole from me what the fuck are the police going to do?"

Liam: "Who's your daughter? The girl over there? Right, hi."

I looked over and waved at her politely, seeing the smile on her face widen before she looked at her mum and slunk back further into her chair.

Lady: "Who the fuck do you think you are saying hello to my underage daughter you fucking pedophile."

Liam: "First of all, she knows who I am, second of all I'm gay, thirdly, if you don't mind I have a phone call to make."

Lady: "People like you don't get a job as important as you pretend to have."

Liam: "For fuck sake Millions of people around the world know who I am, your daughter knows who I am and knows my boyfriend, the lady behind the register knows who I am and my boyfriend. Everyone here put your hand up if you know who either I am or my boyfriend Simon Minter."

I watched around the room as about 14 people raised their hands, ranging in age from young teens to adults.

Lady: "That means nothing."

Simon: "He can easily buy your fucking life, sit down and piss off, Vik?"

Vik: "Have been called for harassment. Security should be here in two minutes."

Simon: "Hey you ok?"

I just shook my head as I let it rest on the table. A few minutes later, security came in and asked the lady to leave the mall, hoping she would go quietly. Though she went off the rails and started accusing me of theft, which is funny because how do you add money to an order and then steal a coffee for free because someone else paid for it... When I don't work here. God people are so fucking stupid.

Simon: "She's gone now."

Liam: "Yeah thank God."

Simon: "You uh..."

Liam: "I know what I said, I needed to say it so it would help my situation but."

Simon: "Hey I get it. It's fine OK I promise."

Liam: "No Simon I just..."

As he stood up to go do something else, I didn't want tk let him go, not yet anyway.

Liam: "Do you perhaps want to go to dinner sometime?"

Simon: "Is that a uh?"

Liam: "Yeah, it's a date."

Simon: "I'd love to."

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