I Need Help Too Sometimes

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(This is a Trigger warning mainly due to Depression and some really bad mind frames. I don't know the proper way to explain this one but like, It's one of those situations where when you know, You know. I'm doing it from Josh's POV instead of Cameron's to show us the other side of us with our best friends but, It's still gonna be hard.)

Josh's POV

Watching Cam with my friends was something I was really happy with honestly. He was really sweet and I honestly loved him, But I knew it was short lived.

Harry: "Hey Josh, how come he couldn't come out yesterday?"

Josh: "Just missing home, You know how it is, Don't you miss your family sometimes?"

Harry: "Yeah all the time, I know how he feels."

Josh: "He'll be right, I mean he's getting along well with Vik."

Harry: "Some competition maybe?"

Josh: "What me? Nah not my cup of tea mate."

No one knew we had been dating for a few years now, Not my fault actually but rather his own decision to keep himself quiet. As far as they are all concerned, Except for Vik, I'm straight, He's gay, We just get along really well. He's a really sweet and funny guy, But he just, Needs a little bit of help to get started sometimes. I guess we all do sometimes, But a little more often than the others.

Cam: "Hang on wasn't it the other one you guys hated at first?"

JJ: "What Alex? A little at first I won't lie."

Ethan: "I have stories."

Cam: "And I have tea, Care to spill?"

Ethan: "I'd like to keep my head thanks."

Harry: "He seems more... Abusive?"

I turned to Harry and slapped him up the back of the head, Not hard, Just lightly enough to cause him to scoot forwards a little.

Harry: "The fuck Josh."

Josh: "Ask yourself that same question again and It will be harder next time. He's not abusive, Or rude, Or cruel or anything, He just needs a little more time to figure out what he needs to say at certain times. Think of it like he needs to think before he speaks more often than others. But if he gets excited then he usually doesn't."

Harry: "Doesn't that cause issues though?"

Josh: "I'm about to cause a big one if you don't lay off the guy."

Harry: "Why though, Look at how he's sitting. He is so... close."

Josh: "What do you mean Close?"

Harry: "He's sitting in on himself, He's sitting like he isn't interested, Like he isn't paying attention or thinking, He's just thinking."

Cam: "Oh come on Tobi you gotta knock some sense into them eventually. If they still haven't quite got the hint you keep dropping after numerous attempts then maybe some help might actually kick things into action. You know, Show them what they would be missing if they didn't do the video with you."

Harry: "And then he pulls out with stuff like that? Where it doesn't seem like he really worries and just, You know. Says shit to be the one to talk to."

I stood up from my seat and grabbed Harry by the arm, Almost knocking the table enough to cause our drinks to tip over, While the other guys showed exclamation as I pulled the boy out of the building and took him outside, Putting him up against the wall, But before I could even say anything...

Harry: "Can't you just tell everyone you two have been dating for a while and be done with it? We all know Josh."

Josh: "What?"

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