Drama Prt 1

226 9 2

Liam's POV

You would think a break up wouldn't be so difficult. Whether you had fallen out of love with someone or simply couldn't keep up with it for any reason, breaking up with someone shouldn't be so difficult.

Harry: "I mean, it caused a little bit of a stir but not so much that no one couldn't handle him. He's just upset, give him time."

Liam: "It feels so weird not recording with you guys, I miss Tobi and I miss Vik. I miss you the most."

Preston: "It would be hard though, you moved over there last year right? What are you going to do now? You can't just up and leave again can you?"

Liam: "I realize that Preston thank you for your wonderful and amazingly never before thought of."

Preston: "Don't need to be a smart ass."

Liam: "I'll be fine, yeah? Vik's coming over soon so it should be fine."

Harry: "You two have been spending a lot of time together?"

Liam: "What are you implying Harry? That I've been cheating on Simon for the past three years with a straight man who had a girlfriend?"

Harry: "No... Not anymore."

Liam: "Fuck you Harry."

I exited the channel and just sat and lay back in my chair, luckily I was able to grab my stuff while Simon wasn't there. And that was Josh's idea. The best one he's ever had.

Knock knock

Vik shouldn't be here yet? As I got up out of my chair, and through the apartment I was renting with my friend Jack who was currently with the Cal boys. I opened the door to see Freya and Emily standing in the hallway holding something in a box.

Liam: "Oh my gosh ladies you two are way too good to me. Come in Jack's just recording with the Cal boys and I think Sarah will be coming over later so long as she isn't required at the studio."

Freya: "That's alright, I mean we heard what happened and thought you might want some company."

Emily: "And I got inspired and made a few things, thought maybe you would like to try something for me on camera?"

Liam: "Em of course I would love too hun, I think I need some sweet in my sour life right now, Twitter has been a bad place."

Freya: "We noticed you hadn't posted anything, only the automated ones when you upload, how are you feeling babe?"

Liam: "I don't know to be honest, here Em I'll clear the counter sorry, just some ideas I had."

Emily: "Thank you."

Liam: "But yeah no I've just been getting by I guess, I mean I was with him for a while, and so many people knew me through him so a few usual stragglers using him for money Yada Yada Yada. On the other hand, I feel like I made a mistake and should have just bit the bullet and stayed with him. Who knows, I might have developed those feelings again."

Emily:" Hun if you were in trouble or needed  break then be proud of yourself that you could get out when you weren't feeling it anymore. Ethan and I have a deal where if one of us falls out then we won't take it personally, it happens to people all the time yeah?"

Freya: "Exactly, and besides we've known each other so long I doubt we would be leaving your side any time soon."

Liam: "Haha I'd like to hope not, otherwise I'd be stuck with the boys and while I love them too death. There is absolutely a thing with too much of any of them. But I'm getting there, Vik's been coming over and checking on me, he's a good friend."

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