I Should Have Helped Him

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Josh's POV

Every person is born in three categories. The good, The bad, And the Purists.

The good, The white Aura is what will always surround them. They walk around as pariahs, People the world needs to worship and keep alight. People we need to walk to if we need help because they will always help us. No matter what, The brighter their Aura, The nicer they are in general... But then you have the bad which are the complete opposite. They are bad people, A black fog following them, Kind of similar in a way to the Aura of the white light that follows the others... I hate those people almost as much as I hate my parents. Everyone is born with an Aura, Whether it's bright or foggy. Yeah people can be born as a good and bad person, All this whole no one is born evil thing is a fucking lie, So I don't know what world you come from, But here, You are either good or evil. There is only one in between and those are the purists. They confuse and scare everyone. If you meet a purist, You run, No matter what you run. These people uh, They don't have an Aura.

Rob: "Josh what are we supposed to do?"

Josh: "I don't know ok, I need to figure it out."

The one thing that pisses off everyone is that you can redeem if enough people know who you are and how much good you have done as a Dark person, But if you are a white light holder, Then you can commit something atrocious, Like murder or Rape, Then your Aura will start to hold Dark tendrils around you. Starting off small and minuscule, Something that can be easily fixed if it was an accident, Like if you weren't paying attention on the road and someone is hit by you. You run them over and bam, You get a tendril... Unless you are already dark. If you are already dark then it works the opposite, You can get white streaks in your aura but you can never truly be a good person. You're black Aura becomes a horrible looking Grey colour. This colour is basically representative of whether or not you are worth redeeming by the purists. Why do we run from Purists... Simple. They don't have an Aura, We don't know if they are good or bad people. A purist can almost get away with anything. They could bake you a pie as a celebratory gift and then the next day stab you in the neck. You would never know. Most of them take advantage of this as the Authorities have no real way of catching them.

Rob: "Josh come on I don't want to be beaten again."

Josh: "Just run then, Let me handle it ok?"

Rob: "I am not letting you take it all again."

Just like people run from the purists, The dark aura just kind of darkens over time when you continue to do evil actions. If your aura becomes completely black, Then you lose it. I don't mean lose it in a sense that you go a little evil. I mean you lose all control of your body, The darkness takes over and It's a horrible thing to witness, They go on a rampage and they will kill and destroy anything around them, not just people, But objects and personal items as well. I have witnessed it before. And it was probably the most terrifying moment of my life. It was from then I wanted to be a good person, I tried and worked tirelessly to maintain a good image, Doing anything I can in order to change my Aura to Grey. Working towards being Worthy of being redeemed. But to no avail. These bullies at school make our lives hell. If they find out you are trying for a grey scale, They will hunt you down, And they will essentially try to kill you. That's what's happening now with me and Rob, Rob can't risk another attack, If he hurts one more person... He could go insane. The Purists call it the blackout. We call it terrifying.

Rob: "You have done too much for me Josh this isn't fair."

Josh: "Robert look at you, This isn't normal for someone our age. No one believes us when we try to explain to them you were not supposed to be born with a Fog around you. No one cares because all they see is the colour of what's behind us. You are going to Blackout soon, I am not risking my best friend just to run away from some bullies that are going to come after me regardless. We are in the dark side of the school. Do you really think they care what happens to us? They will make you lose grasp of your mind, And then kill you, Try to claim they stopped a massacre, But we both know they will just come for me so please, For the love of god please fucking run. I don't want to lose you too."

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