It's Not Hard, But It's Not Easy

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Kyle's POV

Harry: "What really?"

Kyle: "Yeah..."

Harry: "You know I don't care right? You're still my friend no matter what. Just be honest with yourself first, then be honest with us and I know the others aren't going to mind regardless."

Kyle: "I just feel like, I don't really know to be honest. I don't know what to fele or how to feel right now. Everything just feels numb."

Harry: "Maybe you should tell and talk to Josh, He always does a way better job than the rest of us when it comes to advice and how to work through some things. I'm not the smartest but I know when my friends need help. Trust me, Josh would be the best bet when you are ready."

Kyle: "When I'm ready?"

Harry: "Yes, when you are ready. Not when other people force you to talk about it OK?"

Kyle: "Yeah, Thanks Harry."

The taller man gave me a hug, a much fucking needed hug but I still tried my hardest not to cry. Even talking about this when the general media condemns homosexuality is big. And I know I'm the only one at this school who is, well, officially now anyway.

Harry: "Come on let's go over and see them, they probably think I have detention again."

Kyle: "Hey uh, Thanks Harry... For not getting angry."

Harry: "Why would I ever get angry at you for that. You can be a dick sometimes, we all can but I'm not going to get upset over something you can't change. It's who you are, be proud of that."

God I wish the world was like this. I wish coming out wasn't meant to be this big ordeal because so many people might be against it. It's terrifying having to tell someone because I have no idea if they are going to react well or negatively.

Walking back over to the group, Harry was already back to normal. I know it was a risk talking to him about it because he uh, doesn't have the greatest track record in keeping secrets. But I couldn't really think of anyone else to talk to. It was eating me up inside and he was one of my best friends. Even if he couldn't shut up sometimes.

Josh: "Where were you two?"

Harry: "Helping me out of a detention I didn't deserve."

Simon: "So why does Kyle look like he's about to cry?"

Kyle: "Just not having a good mental day right now I think. I can't really explain it."

Josh: "Come here then."

Even with their girlfriends near us, I still sat next to Josh, who put his arm around me and pulled me onto his lap. I guess being small was a plus. With everyone being easily over 5 foot 8 inches, I was shorter by a country mile at only 4 foot 11. I stopped growing pretty quickly, it made me the butt of most jokes but they usually shut up when I tell them how easy it is for me to headbutt their talk asses in the dick. I bet Harry wouldn't be able tk contain himself if he heard that again now.

Josh: "Just having a bad day?"

Kyle: "I think so."

No one really bothered us, they would just talk about random shit or the work in class, myself and Josh w I uld put our own words forward when we had something to say but, with Josh helping me relax, maybe Harry was right for once. Josh might be the best person to talk to.

Josh: "Come on, you've got English next and that's on the other side of the school. Simon you two should leave now to get there on time."

Even when we were all in the 11th grade, he would still act like a dad to us all. It was cute.

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