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(I like Google Images. I find the best shit... I can't use the one of him naked showing his ass or his balls so here.)

Vik's POV

We all sat on the ground below the stage. Harry had stood up in front of us all. Our teacher curious about his essay, his speech he prepared. He was the class clown. No one took him seriously at any moment and he knew it. He never did his work, homework or assignments. So we were all shocked when he called out our teacher for skipping over him for our pip. Or well personal interest project but we all called it a pip anyway. He took a deep breath before he looked at us all, his smile radiated joy as he stared at me. I wish people knew we were together, even if he was a homophobic cunt in school. I'm glad no one noticed he never bullied me. It was great. And when we were alone. Well let's just say for a homophobic bully, he craved it harder than anyone. He stayed at mine last night and let's just say, I'm surprised he can even stand up.

Harry: "So I actually did the thing."

Mr Minter: "We noticed, go ahead, what inspired you to write this?"

I knew minter was eyeing him suspiciously, no one believes he would actually write something, but oh did he write it... Only if he could have my cock. Which I had no trouble with.

Harry: "A different perspective. And also a future career I want."

Minter: "You have plans for the future?"

Harry: "Yeah everyone has a dream."

Minter: "Fuck it, this should be funny."

Harry looked at me and nodded once. Yeah I know he wrote all of this down but he didn't tell me what he wrote.

Harry: "We all have a weakness, well, more like a drug, an addiction. Something that always has us coming back for more, but we don't ever want to admit it to anyone, even to ourselves, but it's an addiction. A need, not a want, a necessity, not a choice."

I was proud of him, he actually was getting it done and it sounded like he was taking this seriously too.

Harry: "These addictions, these drugs, They burn their way into our soul, into our mind. We can't stop thinking about them, we can't stop craving them. Sometimes they can be a tight and narrow addiction, something with a means to an end, someone exclusive, or they can be wide and open, where everyone has easy access to it if they sought it out. And the pain it can leave, the pain can be incredible. There is room for both, a tight and open addiction as with enough hard work, it can accommodate both easily."

I looked at the class and they were interested to say the least. Mr Minter looked rather stunned that he was able to do something, but I had a thought, I looked up at Harry and he simply looked down and smiled at me.

Harry: "It hurts, but this kind of addiction, it hurts the person seeking it more so than anyone else, an internal battle of whether you can suck it up and get it over with or you simply give up and try to remove the addiction from your life, but you can't, it keeps clawing at your mind. Making you almost beg for more, to sate that lust for what you want."

Oh... I think I just figured out what he is referring too.

Harry: "Whether it takes a long time, or it's over in a few minutes, the high lasts for much longer than the experience, the feeling of pleasure the addiction gives you can stave off even the harshest of cravings."

I couldn't hold it in much longer, I burst into tears laughing. I tried so hard to keep my mouth shut but I couldn't do it. I let out a roar of laughter as everyone dead panned and looked at me, probably wondering why the fuck I just interrupted this speech.

Mr Minter: "Would you like to share with us why you find this piece of poetry and truthful thinking so funny?"

I laughed even harder at Miners words, he had no idea but once I clicked in, I really started to pay attention.

Vik: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry keep going oh my God Harry."

Harry: "Thank you Vik, Geez you would think the inspiration would learn to keep his mouth shut."

As he continued with his speech, my friend Tobi kept looking at me funny, he kept wanting me to explain to him what the joke was. But somehow the class clown, the one we all laughed at when he cracked a joke or did something stupid, finally finished his speech and everyone applauded him. Minter was impressed but I'm sure he has heard better.

Mr Minter: "That was brilliant. Who knew someone with no attention in class, with no ability to keep his mind on the task at hand, could write such beautiful poetry."

Harry: "Yeah He can be pretty great."

Mr Minter: "What do you mean? You didn't write it? I knew it was too good to be true."

Harry: "Oh no, I wrote this, but the guy that helped me out is great at what he does, the inspiration is amazing."

I still laughed at him standing there, talking to the teacher about his speech, the whole time I could tell everyone was getting frustrated until eventually the bell went and we all grabbed our bags and exited the class, with Harry staying behind for a second before he came racing out, seeing me leaning against the wall outside, in front of everyone.

Harry: "Do you know how fucking hard it is to keep a straight face during that speech when you are pissing yourself laughing?"

Vik: "Oh please I should have clicked in earlier, so the inspiration, I'm sure even the inspiration is surprised you can walk today."

Harry: "Maybe I need to work the inspiration a bit better."

As he leaned closer to me, his hands on either side of my head as the crowds began to gather, noticing the first time Harry will bully me, but instead, and to everyone's surprise, he leaned in and kissed me, my hands landing gently on his waist as his landed on my shoulders. I pulled him close to me as he kissed me slightly harder. With gasps and whispers happening around us. He pulled away and just looked at me lovingly.

Harry: "So that inspiration?"

Vik: "Oh yeah no, you will need crutches when I'm finished giving you inspiration."

Hey so I'm getting closer to my 100th update for this one shot book and I want to know what you guys want me to do? I have a few ideas for example.

I could keep with tradition like my last one shot book and do a completely open Q&A again.

I can do a miniseries.

Or I can write a chapter for a new book idea I have been mulling over, that likely would be started soon after properly.

Let me know what you guys think.

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