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Lachlan's POV

Lachlan: "Are you sure you don't want to come out here as well?"

Marco: "I'll be in the area anyway Lachlan, Hopefully I can stop by. I didn't know you would be in the area?"

Lachlan: "Matt and I are attending the Xbox and Samsung collaboration event in Pyrmont tomorrow, I think it would be nice to check out, they hit us up. But you know me."

Marco: "It's weird hey, you get to go everywhere, do so much in the world and yet it seems like you have been able to do even more since the Pack started slowly dissolving, since you started teaming up with the Sidemen, I dunno? It just seems like you have more opportunities to do things locally."

Lachlan: "I was still able to do things locally, I'd just always be tired. I feel happier as well now that I'm slowly starting to come out of my shell more, literally and figuratively."

Marco: "Literally indeed. Does Matt know?"

Lachlan: "He does now, you sent that message while I was showing him a message."


Lachlan: "Obviously you wouldn't have known but you didn't have to say it out loud like that."

Matt: "Come on mate I wasn't expecting it, and you should have known that he would message you back while you were showing me something."

Lachlan: "Just, do you want me to go and change the room? I can go sleep on the couch even."

Matt: "No because then shit will hit the fan, there are other people here in the house right? If you sleep somewhere else then they will get suspicious, likely snap a pic and God knows what would happen. But is he coming tomorrow?"

Lachlan: "He said he would try but I dunno. I want him to be there though."

Marco: "Fuck Lachlan why didn't you say something I'm so sorry."

Marco: "You should have been like hey showing him something don't message. And I wouldn't have sent anything."

Marco: "Lachlan please don't leave me like this I'm freaking out what if he hates you?"

Lachlan: "Marco relax man, he doesn't hate me, was just surprised is all."

Matt: "Your smiling."

Lachlan: "He started freaking out, saying he was sorry and that I should have told him you were going to look at something."

Matt: "At least one of you has a brain."

Lachlan: "I get so excited talking to him OK? I can't help but forget about my surroundings at times."

Matt: "Have you guys met? Cos last I checked your from Brisbane."

Lachlan: "So?"

Matt: "He's obviously not."

Lachlan: "Why would you say that?"

Matt: "The message I saw said he will try and be there, Lachlan he's from Sydney, why don't you just go and get him tomorrow, it will be fun."

Lachlan: "Do you really think it will be fun? I think it will be fucked because no one knows."

Matt: "I'm pretty sure you won't care when you see him right?"

Lachlan: "Shut up."

I threw my pillow at him as he started laughing at me, he sat down on his bed and caught the pillow before tossing it back. I caught it and propped it again against the bed. Laying down and feeling my phone vibrate in my lap.

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