You Play Too (Simon & Harry)

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(Hey guys so this is a request by @Halkatlaa who wanted friendship for Harry and Simon but Simon would look after Harry who was in hospital. I decided to tweak it a little and make it so that Harry is 5 and Simon is 6 so that it can be more reliant on friendship and also he isn't in hospital hun sorry but he is at home in bed... it's also short because I didn't really know how to write this but I did so sorry hun but I hope you enjoyed it.)

Simon's POV

I couldn't help but worry about my best friend, or one of now laying on the ground in so much pain. I didn't mean to do it, I promise.

Simon: "Harry I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, I kicked it too hard."

Harry: "It. Hurts, Simon."

He was only a year younger than I was, and he was still my best friend, I didn't mean to kick it so hard, I got excited when he wanted to play football with me because no one else would.

Simon: "Im going to go get mum ok?"

Harry: "Simon don't leave."

Simon: "But I need to get."

I watched as he started to cry on me, he knows I don't like it when he cries because then I need to help him and he is always sad, so when he cries I have to help him.

Simon: "MUM!"

I looked over to see Mum talking to Harry's dad, they were best friends too but he got to hold mums hand which is gross because who wants to hold a girls hand?

Mum: "What's the matter sweety?"

Simon: "I kicked the ball to hard and it hurt Harry."

I watched her look very upset but also a little angry as well. Mum was really nice but and wouldn't yell at me. Harry's dad was angry but, and he ran over to us and then picked Harry up.

Dad: "Oh Harry are you ok my little one?"

Harry: "It hurts daddy."

Dad: "Oh baby boy let's get you to the doctor ok?"

Simon: "Mummy?"

Mum: "Hang on ask, I won't let them go too far away."

Dad: "He needs to be careful."

Mum: "I'm sure it was an accident and he didn't mean to kick the ball too hard right Simon?"

Simon: "No sir, I don't want to hurt Harry but I got happy when he said he wanted to play with me."

Dad: "I'll talk to you later ok Sarah? I'll let you know what happens."

Mum: "Ok thanks Cal. Talk to you later."

I watched as Harry's dad took Harry away from me and I didn't like it when he did, because that meant I wasn't allowed to play with him until tomorrow.

Mum: "Simon what happened baby?"

I felt like crying but only girls cry, but I was sad that I hurt my best friend, he's my best friend and I hurt him even though I didn't mean to and I don't want to hurt him.

Simon: "We were playing football but I got excited that he wanted to play and I kicked the ball really hard but I didn't mean to kick it really hard and I think it hurt Harry."

Mum: "Did you mean to hurt Harry?"

Simon: "No. he's my bestest friend and I don't want to hurt him."

Mum came down to me and gave me a hug, and I cried like a girl does and I didn't like it but I was sad that I hurt him.

Mum: "Come on mate, why don't you go and pick up your ball and we can go home and you can play on the PlayStation, and then when we find out Harry is ok, we can go and see him so you can say sorry."

Simon: "Ok."

Time Skip

Simon: "HARRY!"

Mum: "Shh mate you need to be quiet."

Dad: "He's not a good friend."

Harry: "But he's my bestest friend."

Dad: "He hurt you baby boy."

Harry: "He didn't mean to, I know he didn't mean to because he stayed and yelled at aunty Sarah when he didn't run away from me."

Mum: "Cal, Is he ok?"

Simon: "Harry."

I went in front of my mum and walked over to Harry's bed where Harry sat up and looked at me and he smiled and laughed.

Harry: "Hi Simon, see daddy he didn't mean to hurt me."

Simon: "Harry is my bestest friend, I didn't mean it."

Mum: "Come on Cal lets go talk in another room about it, let these two go. Simon did you bring your controller like we promised?"

Simon: "Yes mum."

Mum: "Ok you two play some games while your dad and I talk ok?"

Harry: "Ok. Simon look I got a new game."

Mum and Harry's dad left us in the room and I looked at Harry who was very happy. But I hurt him, why isn't he not happy?

Simon: "Why are you happy?"

Harry: "Because I got a new game, daddy said I could get it because I got hurt and he said it will help me get. Better."

Simon: "Ok I'll put it on for you."

Harry: "No."

Simon: "Why not?"

Harry: "Because you player two. You play too."

Simon: "Ok I will plug my controller in and be player two."

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