chapter 5

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I sighed and stared at the door handle, I hate opening doors, it's either the not knowing what is behind them or the embarrassment of opening it the wrong way that puts me off, I don't know which though.

I didn't have to make a decision on whether to open the door or not because it flung open. I widened my eyes and took a step back as I focused on the figure. It was Luca and he was smiling at me.

"Were you just randomly standing outside the door or have you just got here?" he asked as he beamed at me.

"Uh...." I started to think properly again but before I could answer he pushed me inside.

"Well don't just stand out in the cold! Are you crazy!" he said as he shut the door.

"Um, I don't think it is that cold to be honest..." I explained and he rolled his eyes at me.

"So you know what you are doing tomorrow right? Or do you want to wait a day before you go to school?" he looked down at me seriously and I huffed.

"Um..." I thought about it but was interrupted by Alex running and jumping onto me...well..that's what it seemed like.

"Nooooo!!! You have to come with meeee!! I'd be lonely without you!!" he wailed and I cringed.

"But you already go to school" I said as he jumped off me.

" i've met you it'd be lonely without you!!" he said as he attacked me again and nearly suffocated me in a tight hug.

"Sorry about him, we've tried, but they say he can't be fixed" Luca shook his head while smiling sadly and I chuckled.

"Say's the one who can't pass his psychology tests" Alex pulled his tongue out at him while still clinging to me.

"Alex, the test weren't for my mental health they were about mental health, and get with it I passed that ages ago" Luca said then pulled his tongue out and I inwardly started crying. I can't take this much longer, they are so hyper! And loud! And immature...why?

Alex finally quietened down only for Chance to walk into the hallway and for him to shout loudly again. "AH! Chance isn't on his phone!! What's going on???Did it break?Is your back up not working??" he wailed and grabbed onto me again. Why??

"Calm down Alex and stop hitting Riley i'm sure he doesn't appreciate it" Chance ordered Alex and he let me go then patted my shoulder.

"Sorry" he said quietly and I chuckled.

"S'alright" I smiled.

Luca turned to Chance and looked at his empty hand. "Explanation?" he asked and Chance sighed.

"Well I think being on your phone all the time while a guest is here is rude" he explained and Luca and Alex raised their eyebrows at him.

"What? It is! And i'm polite unlike you immature little children!" he huffed and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

They all looked at me wide eyed before Alex started laughing too. "Oh my god your laugh is adorable!" he said between breathes and I laughed harder. He sounded liking a hyperventilating donkey so he can't say much.

"I don't understand what was so funny..." Chance muttered in confusion.

"I think it might of been the part about you not being immature" Luca crossed his arms and stood up tall but still ended up a bit shorter than Chance. I wonder how old they all are?

"Ha ha, hilarious" he said in a unimpressed tone and I smiled at him as I stopped laughing.

Alex however, carried on having a fit on the floor as Zac and Aaron walked in. "What the hell's going on out here?" Aaron said unfazed by his younger brother holding his stomach and seeming to be having an asthma attack on the floor.

"Ah, Alex is laughing, usual source of donkey noises in the house" Zac said as he smirked at Alex on the floor.

"Heyyy!" he stopped laughing and huffed at him.

"Rile Rile!" Zac said and I braced my self before being squished again. "Where did you go?? You didn't even go out the door! We have to block up that balcony, can't have you escaping on us now can we?" he said as he ruffled my hair.

"Right...." I said as I winced and rubbed my head.

"Ah yes, pepper spray.." Luca said and wrote on a notepad he had gotten out of his pocket.

"I'm just being friendly" Zac pouted and I rolled my eyes at all of them.

"Well...I'm going to go now...." I said as I slowly edged away from the crowd of hyper and loud people and they all turned to look at me.

"Tut tut you guys you scared him off" a voice sounded from right next to me and I jumped. Nate was leaning against the wall casually and crossing his arms.

"Oh , no they didn't , it's just a bit loud..." I explained and then continued walking to the stairs.

"SORRY!!" Alex shouted loudly and I winced. Luca walked up to him and smacked him around the back of the head with his notepad. I smiled and shook my head at them before quickly escaping up the stairs.

I walked into my bedroom and plopped myself on the bed, sighing heavily.

This, was going to be a long few years......

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