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I've written a book that is more than 100 chapters long wtf is wrong with mEe

Anyways have a celebratory horrific Riley doodle

Anyways have a celebratory horrific Riley doodle

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Pale ass bitch


I stayed awkwardly resting against Aaron for a while, mainly because he hadn't moved his arm despite that tense conversation.

He seemed to be reading over his work casually, and didn't appear to be too put off. And he usually is so easy to read, so I could only assume he really didn't actually mind.

I'm probably over thinking this, but I feel really bad.

I jumped up with a start when I suddenly heard Alex's voice and two pairs of feet approaching.

"Ow." Aaron complained slightly as he rubbed his arm and I winced.


"Are we gonna go somewhere or what??" Alex jumped into the living room with Caleb close behind him.

Aaron made a face at them. "I'm tired." He said and Alex rolled his eyes.

"Well we'll go explore without you then!"

"Good god, no." Aaron exclaimed as he immediately stood up and I smiled in amusement.

"Are you coming?" Alex asked me, and seemed unsure for a second when he realised his mistake.

"Sure." I smiled and he blinked at me.

"Oh, okay...."

"Go ask Hunter if he's willing to show himself." Aaron ordered Caleb and he frowned in confusion.

"Didn't you hear him fall into the stream earlier?" I smirked and he shook his head while Alex immediately started laughing.

"I wondered why he just suddenly stopped shouting." He snorted before stepping back out into the dining room. "Hunter are you dry enough to come out yet, or are you hiding in shame??!" He shouted up the stairs making Aaron tssk at him.

"Fuck you!" Hunter's voice called from the top of the stairs, and he started walking down them with a sigh.

"Are we going somewhere?" He asked, still patting his hair with a towel.

"Around, apparently." Caleb smiled as Nate slammed the upper room's door open.

"Do we have to?" He sighed as he rested on the floor, hanging over the edge and staring down at us.

"You don't, but you'll be on your own." Aaron replied and Nate's eyes widened.

"No way, I'll get kidnapped." He said before sliding down the ladder making me wince.

"Don't do that Nathan, you could hurt yourself." Aaron worried with a frown and Nate rolled his eyes.

"Les gooo!!" Alex bounded out of the building in a flash and the other's followed less enthusiastically.

Conflicted (Boyxboy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя