Sango x fem reader

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Sango had been sick for awhile which cause worry to wash over you. With no antidote to fight the poison swimming in her veins this very moment then she would die.

So you consulted Miroku about it seeing if he would know where to find a cure. He put his thumb and forefinger to his his chin. Thinking aloud.

"Well?" You asked impatiently.

He spoke, "there is a cure."

"Oh thank god!"

"But it's hard to obtain it's located on top of dangerous mountain. It's a plant that needs to be made into a liquid. Sango is the only one who knows about the correct herbs and spices needed to get the right antidote."

You slammed a fist on the wooden floor, "Sango is dying so I will risk my life for her!"

Miroku sighed, "alright here take my staff it will offer some form of protection at least."

"Thanks Miroku." You gave him a quick hug and went to climb this mountain.

Though it was definitely harder than you expected. The tip almost reaching the sky. You trudged on anyway determined to help Sango.

You used the blunt end of the staff for support to climb the treacherous rock. You slipped a few times causing your heart to almost leap out of your chest as it pounded against your ribcage.

You kept going, only a quarter of the way there.

After a gruelling 3hrs you arrived at the top. You huffed as you fell flat on your face.

The staff dropping beside you, "come on (Y/n) you can do this!"

Standing up and picking up the staff you searched the surrounding area for a unique plant. When finally you spotted a stalk with red berries with purple polka dots on them.

"That has to be it." Shuffling over you pulled out a clear tube and began shoving the berries one by one into the glass tube.

After fitting 10 in the tube you were happy with amount you collected. So you travelled back to Sango to make this cure and see Sango get better.

Though going down the mountain was much more scary. A journey of bumps and pokey things made you return with scrapes and bruises.

You quickly walked into the hut seeing Sango awake. Her pupils widening at the sight of you.

"(Y/n) What happened?!"

You waved at hand at her, "don't worry about me I'm here for you!"


You showed her the tube of berries, "is that for helping me get better?"

"Mhmm!" you replied cheerfully.

"I need you to tell me how to make the  final product though."

Sango smiled weakly, "I can do that."

So she instructed you how to properly mash it all together and the added ingredients needed. The last thing was to mix it with water. Shake it up and voila! Done.

Sango smiled and coughed, "good...job." The poison was working faster than expected.

"Oh no!"

You poured the sloshy, green liquid into a bowl. Your hands shook as you watched her go paler by the minute.

"I have to test it first and make sure it has a tangy taste like she said." Swallowing a couple drops some of it wetting your lips. Sure enough the substance was tangy.

"Ok here we go."

You brought the bowl up to her frame, there she lie almost as if she had recently passed away. The thought made you drop the bowl. Spilling the only thing to save her.

"No, No, no, no, no, no!!"

You began to cry thinking you had failed to save her. Until you felt your lips they had a fair amount of the antidote left.

But you never saw Sango liked that, but you said you would do anything.

Lowering yourself you cupped her cheeks. You mouth brushing yours you slightly pulled back but froze. With a small burst of courage you locked lips.

Kissing her sweet, soft, luscious lips curiously darting your tongue inside. Exploring the contents of her mouth, while you still kissed her passionately her eyes fluttered open.

Her face heated to find you kissing her.

You realised she was awake and parted with much disappointment. "Guess it worked."

"You kissed me."

You giggled feeling awkward, "yeah sorry I had no choice."

Sango got up the blanket sliding off her she put her hand to her head then to yours. "I'm still not feeling well."

"What? But-"

She tackled you and began to have a makeout session with you.

She tackled you and began to have a makeout session with you

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