Older Shippo x reader pt2

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For SailorAmber

It'd been 6 months since then and Shippo had turned to the support of alcohol. When even a flash of a memory returned he downed another to forget for at least 10mins, he always kept going until he blacked out or was flat drunk.

He never wanted to see the woman who had cheated on him, who he was ready to dedicate his whole life to. But he caught her in the arms of someone else.

He collapsed onto the ground and the tears began falling like always. He ripped out chunks of grass, "why (Y/n?! WHY?!"


Ever since then you'd gone to work for the man you'd slept with as he blackmailed you. The grubby male had stolen valuable items and could easily blame it on you at any time.

Sometimes when your head but the pillow you'd feel the hollow emptiness creep back in. Your only option was to cry it out.

It didn't always work though, so when the sun came up you fell back into your daily, mundane routine. You'd convinced yourself this is what you'd be doing til the day you die.

You still remember the day you and Shippo had that fight.


He hit the wall of your new home you'd both spent your money on. "I'm trying to help both us get by!"

You stomped your foot, "and by doing that your willing to sacrifice our relationship?! God Shippo we don't even have a 5min conversation anymore, you don't hold me, kiss me or anything!"

He dragged his claws through his hair, "we are struggling to get by (Y/n), I don't have time for that stuff."

You scoffed at his sentence. "Don't have time? Don't have TIME! Shippo...you don't need time for that stuff, a quick kiss on the cheek or saying good morning or holding me when we go to bed. It's not hard to..."

You stopped not knowing whether you should say it. But he angrily egged you on, "come on say it, it's not hard to what (Y/n)?"

"It's not hard to make me feel wanted, loved...it's like you don't love me."

His face fell, "that's how you feel, honestly?"

You nodded, averting your eyes. Shippo inhaled and exhaled as he ran his hands down his face, "fine if that's how you feel, I'll go I'll leave you in peace since I make you feel like shit!"

You went to chase after him, "Shippo wait, that's not what I meant!"

He didn't stop but went to cool himself off, after that you two weren't talking. This was happening more and more, he never tried to listen but jumped the gun too early. "Damn him...I'm sick of waiting."


Now this was you, how could you make such a stupid mistake?!

He bared his fangs at you and snarled, "mistake? What so you just accidently got into bed with him and done the deed?"

You cried at the memory resurfacing, there is no such things as mistakes when you cheat. Shippo was right.

Suddenly a massive boom could be heard throughout the building, fire. Blue fire raged it's way inside, bandits were attacking the place but the blue fire seemed to be fighting the intruders. You must've zoned out too long.

Then a hand covered your mouth as you felt cold metal agaisnt your throat.  It was the grubby man you worked for.

"Scream and I'll kill you."

He lead you down the spiral staircase, finally at the bottom you spotted the person behind the fire, you'd never forget that vibrant orange hair or green eyes.

Shippo. But was he doing here?

Then his gaze turned to you and man with the knife at your throat. He almost went to attack but the man dug the blade in causing a small cut to open in your skin.

"Stop or I'll slit her throat!"

His expression was dead as he said, "do it I don't care what happens to the bitch."

You couldn't believe it...did he really hate you that much he didn't care whether you lived or died.

"B-but she was your partner, you loved her!"

He gave a smile that held no warmth, "there's the keywords buddy, was and loved."

But still...why was he here?

The man loosened his grip on the knife, that's when you kicked his groin and he went down with a yelp.

You didn't see the spear heading your direction from one of his lackeys. But Shippo did, he set it alight with his fox fire, running towards you, he slipped an arm around your waist.

This made you feel even more perplexed as he jumped onto one roof after another. Holding you in one arm.

Then he finally landed 2metres outside the place. "Why did you save me?"

Before he answered the place blew up and splinters of wood and other material went flying. "I set a bomb in there because they were using slaves to do their work."

You had a downcast look, so it wasn't to save you..."so then why did you grab me? I thought you wanted me dead."

He came back quickly with. "I do."

You felt tears burning your retina, he inhaled then exhaled. "Only...only sometimes though...I can't help but care about you still."


"Don't. Just. Don't. There is no chance in hell we are getting back together, you broke me (L/n)."

"O-ok Shippo I understand."

"Thank you, the place we bought is still up. You can go live your life there now, that man can't blackmail you anymore."

Your eyes widened and you were about to ask how he knew that but he was gone.

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