Koga x asassain reader

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You swung a dagger inbetween your fingers as Koga was down on his knees, hands bound. "Must be horrible for a big man like yourself to be taken down by a woman." You slashed his face with the cold blade, blood leaked from the shallow cut undenath his eye. "I'm not humiliated you cynical girl" he spat.

You pursed your lips and brought the pommel of your weapon up to your chin. Posing like you were thinking very hard. "Hmm I suppose you could call me that but..."

Another slice of skin across his  abdomen, tearing through clothes as well. "You try to rush me from behind like a lowly theif then of course I'll retaliate."

Koga would take no more of this, he used brute force to snap the binds holding him. You did not react but kept that satisfied smirk on your face and OH did it piss him off.

He punched blindly as his vision to blur and his moments became groggy. "What..the hell?"

He fell to the earth onto his side as he could hear a ringing sound in his ears. You let loose a evil laugh, "they all fall for it! I drugged the dagger with a sedative, it works quite quickly when you mive about."

You sounded as if you were talking underwater. He rolled over onto his back as he groaned, "sneaky....woman.."

You waved at him as the drug took ahold, "have a nice sleep wolf."

You reached into your pocket and pulled out a cloth, wiping away the remnants of the sedative. You attached the dagger to your belt that you wore underneath your robes. Wearing heavy clothes was a good tatic of concealing any weapons.

"Well I've got a list of people I need to kill, I'm in need of money this month." You threw the hood over your head and scaled the cliff ahead of you.

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