Sesshomaru x human reader pt1

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Requested by _AngelicLucifer_

Infused with a shard of the Shikon jewel you were able to hit Sesshomaru hard. You punched his cheek causing him to see stars in his vision.

He growled when you went to attack again but he grabbed you by the wrist. "Stop this madness (Y/n)!"

You gritted your teeth, "let go of me so I can beat the shit out of you!"

His features hardened, "I did nothing to deserve this."

Your eyes filled with rage, "nothing? You killed my mother you bastard!"

"She was possessed (Y/n)! She would have killed you if I had not intervened."

"Why would you do that?"

He looked at you as if you should already know the answer but he said anyway, "because I care about you."

A sting of numbness spread like wildfire inside you. "I never asked you to care about me."

His eyes flashed with hurt and that left you the opportunity to yank free from his grip. You connected your knuckles to his mouth and he rolled onto the ground.

He felt the blood pool in his mouth and dribble down his chin. The taste of iron coating his tongue.

You came hurtling towards him, he doged it and was forced to slash three vertical cuts across your cheek. It ceased your fighting for minute as you surveyed the damage.

He cringed at your blood covering his claws and drying under his nails. "Please stop fighting me (Y/n) it's ridiculous and you won't win."

You begun to cry, "I don't long as I can kill you, I don't care if I die in the process."

A heavy breath left him as his heart ached, " think I'll kill you?"

"You killed my mother so how will it be any different? She told me I should be with you but look how that turned out."

He growled, "you idiot she was possessed I-" you cut him off.

"She could've been saved! If she was only possessed we could've performed an exorcism!"

He swallowed his tears as he said, "the spirit who used her body was too powerful for even that to work. Like all the others it used. I'm sorry."

Your gaze darkened and you let loose a dry laugh, "you can't be sure of that."

"I can."

You lifted your head to face him completely. "I would worry about yourself as I won't stop until I kill you."

You barrled into him as the breath was taken from him and bits of saliva flew from his mouth. He tumbled on the grass and slowly raised himself. "I won't fight you (Y/n)."

"You have to, stop holding back."

"I said no."

"Fight me."

He coughed some blood, it stained the green grass red. "Fight me." You repeated.

"Did you not hear me (Y/n)? I said no."

Anger blinded you, "did you not hear me Sesshomaru? I said you...HAVE TO!"

You brought your fist down onto his back. He groaned as he landed flat on his face.

You turned him around and did as you said. Beat the shit out of him.

His features were bloodied and bruised. You got off him and removed his sword from his side and unsheathed it.

Pointing it at his throat as the cuts on his skin healed leaving only dried blood and bruises. Your own wound he inflicted on you had bled profoundly and now your neck and collarbone was caked with it.

"(Y/n) please don't do this."

"I wouldn't be doing this if you hadn't killed my mother." He felt something wet his skin as more dropped on him. His eyes met yours and you were crying and the sword shaking.

"(Y/n) if you do this you'll regret it."

"Shut up!" You swung the sword and the blade came about an inch away from his neck. When a dull thump sounded and you dropped like a fly.

He shifted himself and saw the rock laying discarded not too far away from you and Rin standing where you had been.

The little girl had dried tears staining her skin as she went up to Sesshomaru and hugged him and began bawling again.

He comforted her, his gaze going over to where you lay knocked out. What was he going to do when you awoke.

He knew for starters to remove the Shikon jewel from your body so you couldn't hurt him.

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