Koga x gaurdian angel reader pt2

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Koga's lids fluttered open, the angel that had been previously by his side was nowhere to be seen.

"I must've been dreaming." He went to sit up but the same burning from before shot up his left leg. He laid back down with a roar.

One of his comrades came to him, "boss relax you've got a broken leg."

Koga rolled his eyes, "no crap!"

The wolves in the cave steered clear of the wounded wolf. He was able to move around with the help of wooden crutches. "So which one of you brought me here?"

His friend raised his hand, "I did, you were unconcious when I found you."

He had been in that hole...he'd called out for ages before drifting from consciousnes. How did one of the boys find him?

He shook the thoughts from his head and proceeded alone outside. He told no one where he was going or when he'd be back.

You watched from your place in the sky and rubbed your temple. "Who goes out when they are wounded?! Why must he be so stupid!"

You flew a fair height above him so you went unoticed. Each person's guardian angel were only visible to that individual.

Koga stopped near a stream to rest and get a drink. He painfully crouched on his knees and cupped his hands to drink from the stream.

When he'd gotten about two mouthfuls a noise vibrated throughout the earth. He grinned knowing a demon was on the prowl.

You sighed and teleported in front of him. He screamed startled and instantly relaxed when he recognised who you were. But his expression was all but happy. Same as your own.

You folded your arms across your chest. "Please tell me you aren't going to chase after the thing?"

He growled, "what are you my mother?"

You scoffed, "I might as well be with all the running around I will have to do. Since you attract so much unforeseen trouble."

Koga grabbed his crutches and began to walk off. You flew in front of him again, hovering a few inches off the ground. "Where are you going?"

"To relieve my stress."

You gripped his arm he couldn't pull away or he'd fall. "You'll kill yourself! Your injured."

"Hopefully I do." He mumbled but your ears still picked it up.

"My job is to guide you in the right direction and I've already been assigned too many morons like yourself so I'm taking you back to your cave and personally looking after you!"

He snorted, " good luck trying to get me back- whoa!"

You carefully slid you arm under his knees and the other around his waist. Koga's face turned beet red, "p-put me down!"

You smiled devilishly, "not a chance sunshine. I'd hold on if I were you." You spanned your wings out and with one mighty flap was airborn. Koga reluctantly wrapped his around your neck.

The wind whipped at your hair, Koga's ponytail was rippling wildy behind him. His fringe blown up.

He marvelled at how high you were, the breeze ruffling your (w/c) feathers. He was also amazed by the strength you possessed.

"What's that dumbfound look for?" You asked. He averted his gaze at your question.

You rolled your eyes at his male pride, you reached his cave and did not put him down til you were inside. Which made the other packmates scared at the invisible force carrying their leader.

Koga said nothing as you sat him down and a bright light made your wings disappear and your complexion more human. This made you visible to the other boys. Koga heaved his leg onto a sloping stone. "Hi everybody."

You waved at them while their jaws dropped at your immeasurable beauty. (You are beautiful btw!)

Koga sighed. "I'm pretty sure I'm out of danger."

You sat beside him and began to untie his ponytail. "I said I'd be taking care of you so I'm going to start by washing your greasy hair."

He huffed.

One of the boys spoke, "can we get an explanation?"

You smiled, "ah yes I'm a human who can cloak myself with my distant demon blood."

They all made an 'O' face and went back to their routine. Koga went to say something but you slammed your hand over his mouth. He cursed as you accidently slapped his mouth. "My identity MUST stay a secret!" You whispered harshly.

He pried your fingers from his mouth, your tips lightly brushed his bottom lip. You wondered how they would taste.

You did not realise you were heading down a path that would cost you greatly.

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