Sesshomaru x demon slayer reader pt4

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I've written so many Sesshomaru xreaders in this oneshot. This is also the last part for this xreader.

Rin laughed happily as you took her hands in your own. You stepped back and forth while dancing to no music to show her you could have fun if you had a good imagination.

You twirled her around, she gripped your robes to keep from falling. Bit ended up doing anyway she still grinned. Rin was mature for her age but she needed a role model and you smiled yourself thinking you were doing an alright.

Though there was one problem. You and Sesshomaru were in a agrument at the moment. It wasn't always vocal though, he avoided any sort of contact with you because of what you said.

It wasn't what you said but more the tone you used. His pride had taken a small hit. Rin had become the center of attention with everyone it seemed.

You only said goodnight to her as did Sesshomaru. Jaken would encourage you to apologise sometimes getting angry himself.

But you weren't going to, you were a strong and proud woman. If he couldn't respect that (which he was doing in his own annoying way). Then you would go right back to your village with Rin.

The little girl cocked her head as you were lost in your thoughts. "Hey (Y/n)? (Y/n)!"

She still couldn't get you to snap out of it. She also didn't like calling you by your real name she wanted to call you by something more cute and fitting like-


This brought you to reality, you blinked surprised. "Rin did you just call me mum?"

She put her hands behind her and balanced on one foot merrily. "Yup!"

Tears spilled from your sockets, you lifted her from her armpits and spun in a circle. Hugging her tight while you cried happy tears and laughed.

Sesshomaru dashed to see what the commotion was about. He stopped and cocked an eyebrow at the situation.

He approached closer and he accidently met your tear stained gaze. You put Rin down and hurriedly flung yourself into Sesshomaru's arms. Forgetting the spat completely, "she called me mum! Rin called me mum Sesshomaru!"

He finally realized what what you were so ecstatic about and returned your hug. While breaking into a small chuckle himself.

After the excitement died down you blushed at your actions, clearing your throat you averted your eyes away from his smiling face.

"I'm sorry for not apologising this tiff was stupid."

He nodded, "I'm sorry as well."

He closed the distance separating you and held your chin in his thumb and forefinger. Rin gasped thinking you were having a moment as did the dog.

You were but he didn't get the kiss he wanted or at least the spot he wanted. You yanked your face away from his hold and cupped his face. You pulled a shy expression and gave him a swift peck on the cheek, the warmth on his skin remained even when your lips left his cheek.

He rubbed the spot and held a poker faced look. You gave a quick smile and went to find something to occupy yourself with while you delt with your conflicted feelings.

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