Koga x werewolf reader pt1

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For XxCandy_FlowerxX

(Be written a little differently)

She always watched the man care for his packmates. (Y/n) wished she had a pack to call her own. But she became dangerous at night, shifting into a wolf, a predator at night. Self-control was not an option when it happened.

Her mind became an animal, though she wasn't human her brain would always recount the events when morning arose. Like a certain time when she chased an innocent woodland creature and rounded on it within seconds.

Her sharp, canine teeth tearing apart it's flesh. The metallic taste of blood coating her tongue. The meaty and raw animal digesting in her gut.

(Y/n) never could keep it down, she would feel nauseous and throw up. Leaving an aftertaste of bile behind.

See the difference between a wolf demon and a plain wolf was quite simple. Someone like Koga was born naturally like that as a demon would be. A werwolf in this case had to be bitten by another person with the dreadful curse.

Free will for one and utter misery for another. This man she desired so.

But who would she kill as a creature of malice, who only lived to kill. Anxiety always stayed constantly in her stomach, a never-ending nightmare.

And that nightmare was only just beginning. One she didn't know would turn out to have a sliver lining.

As the afternoon melted to a dull grey, slowly merging to night. (Y/n) started to sweat already fearing the white moon threatening to emerge.

Within 1hr the moon took its place among the stars. The all too firmilair pain of her chest expanding, teeth growing, skin breaking into fur. Tail and ears sprouting. Any humanity leaving her heart.

A wolf replaced the human girl, paws thundering against the earth as the canine ran. Sniffing, smelling an array of scents. So many mixed within one. But all smelled similar and seemed to be swirling around in one spot.

Sniffing more the wolf worked out there was a crowd of people...no demons in a...cave. The scent of a particular demon attracted the wolf like a drug to the area.

She dashed to find the source, drool flinging from her jowls as she snarled in delight.

Her short pants of oxygen turned more rapid as she neared the destination.

The closer the smell, the more the hunter inside hungered this kill.

Finally she set a paw on the entrance and a growl of satisfaction rumbled in her throat.

She ventured further.


Koga battled with his friends, a chorus of laughter echoed the walls of stone. But all sound was silenced as everyones ears heard the growls of something hungry for murder.

"Boys get behind me!"

The blazing fire burned softly as the farthest corners of the cave cloaked the creature. The ornage glow of the fire only lighting it's snout and front leg.

"Step forward!"

It did so, revealing a crazy mongrel, saliva dripping around it's muzzle. Warning flashed in Koga's pupils, this thing was no mere mutt.

Kogan bared his fangs, the wolf snarling as temptation drove it to his intoxicating scent. The thought of his freshly sliced neck alluring it to attack.

The wolf jumped to try and latch it's jaw around his tan neck. Koga ducked, slashing his claws across her nose. A yelp of pain.

"Come on you mangy mutt, fight me better then that."

Her jowl quivered in anticipation, claws retracting out. She got a running start again. Koga assumed her attack. She pounced but just as he jumped she twisted her spine so her teeth sunk into his leg.

Missing the sacred jewel shard by an inch. Koga toppled over as she still held his leg in her mouth.

"Damn!" He sucked in a breath as the wolf bit down harder.

Rendering him unable to stand, she prowled ever so gracefully to his face. Snapping her mouth shut inches from his face as a form of intimidation. To strike fear into her victims heart before they died.

She only slightly smelled his fear, her mouth salivated as she opened her jaw, teeth grazing his skin.

A thought pierced the animal, no! The wolf shook it's head returning to kill. No!

The human side of her fought to regain control. The wolf whined as it's mind fought with itself.

Koga looked on in confusion.


The wolf scampered off leaving Koga and the others to wonder what the hell had just saved his life.

The wolf settled with killing rabbits again, which of course when morning came round. (Y/n) relieved her stomach not realising she had an audience.

(Y/n) was lathered in sweat she didn't know if she could struggle with this any longer.

A voice cut her from her thoughts.

"I knew it, you're a bloody werewolf."

With a gasp she looked up to him. The man of her dreams. Who she could only touch in dreams.

His expressionless face turned her into a blubbering mess. "I'm so sorry! I almost killed you! I'm so sorry!"

She buried her crying face in her hands, he kneeled down jerking her chin.

His sea blue pupils locked onto her (e/c) ones. "Yet you didn't. You must harbour feelings for me so strong to fight the curse. And that is something I can't ignore."

A tear slid from her eye, he wiped it away with his thumb. "I'll help you you've been tortured with this curse for too long."

She managed to get out between sobs, "b-but what if I lose control and can't stop it!?"

He gave her a reassuring grin, "that's a risk I'm willing to take and something I won't let happen."

He rose up and started to run, "now if you want my help try to catch up!"


"Run wolfie!"

Well, thoughts?🙂

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