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New Zealand's POV:

I didn't want to go with France, but I didn't have much of a choice. I wanted to stay with Wales. He made me feel safe, like he cared. I got in the car with France hoping that she wouldn't take me home.

I was silent throughout the car ride but France kept trying to talk to me. I didn't want to talk to her.

"Oh, come on sweetie, you have to say something," She urged. I didn't like her calling me 'sweetie'. I avoided all of her attempts to start and conversation. She pulled over the car and let out a deep sigh.

"New Zealand, please tell me what's wrong," She said turning to me. She looked me in the eyes.

"Why would you care?" I mumbled.

"Because I'm your-"

"If you say 'mother' you are a liar. You are not my mother. I have never had one and will never have one!" I shouted. She just laughed slightly. I felt offended.

"You sound like Australia. No, I may not be your mother, but I still care about you, please tell me what's wrong," She asked again. UK said that no one cared about me.

"You are a liar!" I shouted again.


"You don't care, only Wales cares and no one else!" I yelled as I opened the car door and ran away from the car. I could hear France running after me and calling my name. I was going to escape. I was not staying.

"Get back here! You have it all wrong! You only need to understand!" She shouted. She seemed to be getting closer. I tried to run faster but I tripped. I managed to graze my hands and knees. She caught up to me and knelt down.

She pulled out bandaids and began patching my bleeding grazes. I wasn't going to refuse help but I could hardly stop myself from crying. She looked at me. She wasn't angry. Once she finished she stood up and began walking to the car.

I was confused. Wasn't she going to take me back? I continued to sit on the ground while trying not to cry. I looked down at the bandaids. All of them.

"Does she really care?" I asked myself. I looked around for France and saw her getting into the car. I got really scared. Was she going to just leave me? I ran over to her and knocked on the car door. France looked out the window and smiled calmly. She opened the door.

"Do you really care?" I asked her. She leant down to me and wiped away my tears.

"Of course, I may not be your mother but I'm still here for you," She replied.

"But you were going to leave,"

"I thought you didn't want to stay with us anymore, I thought you wanted to go back to your real family?" She said.

"They don't want me anymore," I sighed. She looked confused but pulled me into a hug anyway. Her hug was warm and comfortable. I hugged her back.

"Can I go back to your houses?" I asked.

"Yes, that is where we will go,".

America's POV:

Mom picked us up from the hospital and took us to her place. Dad and Canada had to stay at the hospital. Mom told us she was going to pick up New Zealand and for Aussie and us to get along for a short while.

That didn't happen.

By the time the door opened again the sink was on fire and I had taped Aussie to the ceiling. I was trying desperately to put out the fire while Aussie kept criticising everything did from the ceiling.

"That is not how you out a fire," He said.

"Shut up! If you're so good at this why don't you deal with it!" I shouted at him.

"You taped me up here and I can't get down," He said calmly. Mom slammed the door open and looked around at the disappointing scene.

"I left you two for half an hour!" She shouted as she walked over to the sink and turned on the tap. The fire was put out and I felt stupid for not thinking of turning on the tap. She pulled a chair underneath Australia and stood on it to pull him down.

Aussie continued to pull the tape off his clothes as he stood on the ground. New Zealand walked through the door and looked around nervously. He seemed a little scared. When Aussie saw him he ran over to New Zealand and hugged him tightly.

I could see that New Zealand was uncomfortable.

"You tried to leave me?" Aussie's voice cracked as he tried to speak confidently. New Zealand's eyes began to tear up. France split them apart and told Aussie to help me clean up the kitchen while she got Zea a change of clothes. He wasn't wearing his own anymore.

He wore green, red and white clothes. He was probably at Wales' place. I decided to ignore him and work on cleaning the sink. It had gone black but was easy to wipe up. We may have ended up staining half the cloths in the house but at least it was cleaned.

Aussie and I sat down in the lounge and watched the TV. Aussie seemed to be distracted by everything. He snatched the remote out of my hand and turned off the TV.

"Hey! I was watching that!" I shouted at him. He ignored me. He was trying to listen in to a muffled conversation between France and Zea. I took the TV remote off him and turned the TV on again and turned the sound up. This annoyed him.

"Turn it off!" He shouted as he tried to reach for the remote. I stood on the chair and held it above his head teasing him. He got angry and he pushed me off the chair making me fall to the ground. I dropped the remote and Aussie tried to reach for it.

I kicked him while tried to get the remote as well. He jumped on me and pushed me back to the ground.

"Let me have the remote!" He shouted. I pushed him off me and grabbed the remote. I kind of celebrated for a few seconds until as kicked it out of my hand. I pushed him away and he fell on the coffee table. There was a loud crack and we both stopped to see the broken coffee table beneath Aussie.

"WHAT WAS THAT BOYS!!??" Mom shouted from the other room.

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