Cherry darling | Andrew

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"Sorry im- I'm late!" Andrew crashed into his chair, nearly destroying the old thing in the process.

"Where the hell have you been?" Naib looked at the grave keeper, his skin flushed and pink, like he'd been out in the sun again.


"That's bullshit but ill believe it" all that mattered was that he showed up. Naib didn't push any further.

Eventually, everyone woke up in sacred heart hospital with the familiar crack of glass shattering in their ears. Naib had spawned right inside the hospital, and Luca, Andrew, and Norton had spawned somewhere else. Hopefully the hunter would find him first or anyone else other than Luca.

'The hunter is near me!' Looks like Norotn would be the first kite.

In the distance Naib could hear the screech of music notes, "Antonio.." he was a difficult hunter to kite. Unlink most hunters he could hit three separate times with no blade wipe.

With his cipher just about done, Luca reconnected to another one, most likely Andrew's. Jumping down a hole in the building Naib made his way to the other cipher neat the gate but the small maze area.

"There you are!"

"Ah!" Andrew failed a calibration, "Don't sneak up on me like that!" His nerves were already bad enough without some assassin sneaking up on him!

"Don't be such a wuss, I wasn't even quiet" despite his nature and habit, Naib had tried to make his footsteps a little louder around other survivors. He's nearly gotten punched in the nose once for jumping scaring Norton, "You need to be more discreet"

"What?" Andrew was confused, what did he mean by that? Was it his hair? Yes, it was a bright color but only on maps like SSH and Lakeside. Places like Leos memory helped him blend in," a napkin?" The assassin held it out to him.

"You've got lipstick all over your face"

That made him fail another calibration, "I- it's not lipstick! I was just out in the sun!" He lied,clearly freaking out.

"Let me guess..." Naib leered at the taller man's neck while Andrew tried to aggressively wipe away the evidence,"oh,___?" That was a surpise, you were quite literally the complete opposite of the grave keeper. All smiles and energy, while Andrew was frowns and depression.

"She...she didn't tell you did she?"

"No, I can just tell from your smell" the only girl who wore cherry scented things was you,"And calm down,I'm not going to tell anyone" the last thing he needed was this man to be plotting his death for exposing him.

" it all gone?" He asked.

Naib looked at the albino face, there were hints of red on his face but most people would just chalk it up to sun burn,"Yeah your- wait" naib squinted at Andrew horriblely buttoned shirt, he was missing his scarf and over coat. Wow no wonder Andrew was late,he had love bites all over his neck,"Huh, didn't know you had it in you"

"What?!" Oh no,he was starting to panic.

"Nothing just good luck with her" and he moved on to go resuce Norton,leaving Andrew a confused and frustrated mess.

"Damn it,___" he swore,he wouldn't let you have your way with him anymore! He tried to ignore the memory but it refused to disappear.

"Aww your so cute when you're flustered,Andy" You were sitting on the poor man's hips.

"Is now really the best time?" He groaned and covered his face with his arm. You'd cornered him in some dark corner away from every just as he about to leave for a match.

"There always time for some love!" He was so cute and sweet. You absolutely adored him! After months of flirting and trying to quietly give him the hint that you liked him! He finally let you court him.

"___,my match mmm- its in a few seconds!"

"you'll be fine~ now hold still!"

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