Sprite | KANGJN

542 21 30

This was requested of us on Tumblr: Can I have survivors of your choice reacting to soda?

"Kevin! Do you want some water?"

"Oh is this for me dar'lin? Daw! Thanks!" He took the drink,thinking it was water and you smiled as he choked on the strong futuristic sprite.

"___,I- HAUGH!"

You laugh at the cowboy gagging on the drink

"Do you like it?" You ask, your face hurts from smiling so hard.

"My throat burns-" but he laughs it off too, it was a good prank.

Kevin,being a fan of alcoholic beverages, Dosent mind the burn but man oh man is it messing with his tongue! He isn't used to such fizzyness but would definitely try it again.


"Aesop, Do you want to try this?" You offered him what seemed like a harmless cup of water.

"Ah, I dont-"

"Please? I really want you try this! I think you'll like it!"

He can't say no to that face

Plus your super close and he isn't used to such tight proximity, it makes him a bit uncomfortable.

He takes a sip and his wrinkles his nose up

"What even is this?"


He hands it back to you

"Thanks,I hate it" never tries anything you offer him again, his taste buds are very soft, bold and strong drinks/food don't sit well with him.

Hims got a delicate tummy


"Hey! Naib! Do you want to try-"


He didn't even give you a chance to finish your sentence. He'd already taken your cup and drunk half of it.

"Damn....thats strong, thanks" he handed you back the cup with only enough Sprite left for a single sip.

"...You could have atleast left me some you know"


"...I don't like you anymore"

"Heh" he snorted at that



"Thats not my name,___, what is it?"

"I want you to try this!"

He squints at you,"why?"

"Is it wrong that I want to share my drink with my favorite batter?"

He gives you a look unimpressed at, what he assumes is your attempt, pranking him

"Fine then, that's the last time I offer you anything ever again in your life!" He rolls his eyes at how dramatic you are

"Give it here....Nakgh! Why this shit burning my throat?"

"You like it?"

"I hate it"


"you deserve the death penalty for giving me this,____"


He let's out a sigh but takes another sip,it's his drink now, you aren't getting it back.

● Jose

"Jose! There's my beloved seaman!"

"Good afternoon,___"

"Hey try this real quick"

You offer the man your cup and he takes it,a bit confused.

"Did you want me to hold it or?"

"Taste it"

"...this won't kill me,right? ___? It's not something gross?" It was clear but fizzy, like one of the drinks Demi usually made.

"...taste it and find out"

Now he's scared

Your looking at him with those expecting eyes and he feels like his life would he in danger if he didn't drink it,so he does.

"Oh....it's very....fizzy? Tickles the throat"

"Do you want your own?"

"Sure,we can sit on the porch and drink"


He looks at the drink then looks at you

*blinks loudly*

"Nort, you wanna Sprite cranberry?"

"Wtf is a Sprite?"

"Soad from like the modern Era or whatever"

"...yeah sure...this tastes like what Antonio hair would be if it were a drink, take this shit back"

Your wheezing at this point

"What did Antonio do to you?"

"Breath,actually let me taste that again"

You hand it took him and he chugs it, letting out a 'wheeewu' at the feeling of such a strong soda.

"Like it?"

"Not at all,"

He crushes the can flat with his hand and tosses it into the trash can.

"...do you want to try some ginger ale?"

He looks up at you from the couch and his usual monotone voice gives you a short and sweet "yeah,why not"

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