Dreams into Reality| Hunter!Luchio 🍋

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The tink tink tinking sound of scales clattering to the floor broke the silence. The shadows of his lab and the moonlight watched intently as he wrote down more theories.

Tink tink tink

As a half man half Lizard hybrid.

There were many experiments to be done with such a specimen. Testing regeneration, to see how many times he could cut off his tail before his body had enough; so far, he'd done it about thirteen times. He wondered, could he take the chemicals of what made his tail grow back and inject it into other parts of his body? Could he inject into his human form? Or the body of a pure blooded human?

The last thought he tried not to linger on. He might have been crazy, but he was no madman. He wouldn't dare let his research harm an innocent person! It's a good thing the manor was filled with horrible people instead. Murders, thieves, liars, cheaters, the worst of the worst all laid out for him!

He cracked a grin, scratching the green scaled skin that grew across his body. Now, to pick one of his test subjects, they had to be young yet physically fit and mentally stable.

He'd seen the embalmer. What was his name again? Aesop? Yes, Aesop ran around with that large makeup box. The little freak had killed his own teammates and then himself at one point. But here? Nothing stays dead for long.

He looked over the faces of the mentally unstable, physically weak and old, before weeding everyone out. The mercenary was a good choice. He would be a pain to try and catch, but it could be done. Then there was the batter, now there was a strong man! However, it didn't feel right to do something like that to someone innocent, luchino crossed him out, too.

Tink Tink Tink

Luchino scratched vigorously at his neck, sharp claws ripping the itchy and loose scales off. There weren't many options left...ah now here was an interesting subject.
Young, mentally stable, physically well! The only problem was that he was just a teeny tiny bit obsessed with her.

One of the few innocent humans trapped here,he liked her a lot. A sick smile crawled across his face at the memory of their first meeting.

"Let's see... this should be good...UAGH!" You screamed when he shuffled into the kitchen, his long tail waving by his feet as he fixed his lab coat. Whatever she was cooking smelt good, like meat and potatoes.

"You cook?"

"Ah ye-yes?"

"...I didn't come here to hunt. That's punishable by death out of games, Little one." he was amused seeing the sigh of relief that left her lungs.

"Well, thank goodness for that, right?" She lifted a spoon from her bowl up to him, "You wanted to try some, right?"

He looked at the tiny spoon in her hands. It was a little less than a swallow compared to his mouth. If he wanted too he could easily bite her hand off. It wouldn't take much to tear through that soft skin and hard bone. He could peel the very skin off her with his claws like a carrot and eat it. She wouldn't be able to stop him.

"You might want to blow on it. It's hot." She turned and held it up higher for him.

Deciding to amuse the woman, he ate it,humming through perfectly salted and seasoned meat and potatoes.

'This was her spoon...and yet she's eating right after me, what a strange woman'

And that's when his obsession started. That small act of kindness - he liked it. A lot. More than he should have and it spiraled, oh how it spiraled! He wanted to know more, it wasn't enough. Oh no. No No No No.

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