What once was|Jack🍋

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You really should have been a lot more careful With where you were running. The area you tried to transition to had been utterly destroyed! Not a single overturned chair or table remained!

'Who the hell did this!?' You panicked as the count finally managed to catch up.

"Darling~" he dragged the word out in an eerie tone, "I won't harm you, I promise"

His voice felt like the very fog he produced and you shuddered, just what would this man do to you once he caught you? As much as you didn't want to admit it, there was no for you to outrun this man. He'd been alive for centuries, maybe even more! He was giving you the illusion of running away. Once he'd grown tired of the chase he would collect what he believed he was 'owed'.

Running up the stairs of the second-floor building in Stonebell, you could see other humans running about from the window. But that's when something odd happened. Just when you were about the vault the window to fall into the river, wax started filling the window before completely blocking it off causing the room to darken significantly.

'Damn him!' Conviction was a crafty bastard, no pun intended, who used his wax in creative ways. He was loyal to the count and did as he was told. Most referred to him as the counts' dog, you thought of him as a pain in the butt.

"Now where is my darling? Ah~ there she is!" The door closed shut and you jumped as the room was filled with darkness! Turning around you held up your flare gun at the tall, terrifying titan before you, "Now darling, is this any way to greet your lover?" His red eye was the only source of light.

You held it tighter with shakey hands and aimed it up at him.The point-blankk range would probably kill him and ruin your hands but now that you thought about it. Could a mear gun kill something that had been alive for more than a hundred years? Probably not you imagined.

And what did he mean by lover? You weren't anything close to the name! But it seemed He was obsessed with you and regardless if you felt the same way he would have what he desired.

"Get back!"

The count used a single finger to push the gun down, "tsk, Come now my love, there's no reason to fret!" He tried to soothe you.

What could you do? Stuck in this tower and with no one coming to you save there was nothing you could do. So, you gave in. Lowering the gun the count used his right hand to hold it and destroyed the weapon in one go.

'That could have easily been me'

Even if you couldn't see what he'd done you know that this was all purely for your survival. Give in now and maybe you'd live a little longer. You knew what he did to the humans, witches, and other creatures he'd caught; You'd heard the stories of them getting ripped to shreds and left to bleed out to fill his golden goblets.

"You are so precious" his, somewhat, less lethal hand pet your cheek, "now come here"

You couldn't see it but a throne had materialized behind him and he sat, watching your every move.

"That's it, there's a good girl" his skin was cold to the touch, petting the back of your neck and forcing you to meet his red eye, "I won't hurt you, dove unless you want me to? Want me to carve my name into that pretty skin of yours?" He questioned watching your body go from rigged to lax.

"I...I don't know?" Your mind felt so fuzzy and he sounded so gentle and sweet. Why had you been so scared of him again? How could you have been when he was nothing but gentle with you! It was stupid to even think of him harming you!

"Don't know?" He snatched you up and plopped you on his lap, "Then how about a little pain to go with your pleasure hmm?" He nuzzled into your hair, "now don't move, I wouldn't want to tear you open, at least not like this" his nail easily tore through your clothes. Shirt, buttons, even your leather belt didn't stand a chance! Everything was gone in such a graceful motion that you didn't even notice your clothes had been destroyed till a chill wind washed over you.

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