rub down | Fiona,Antonio,Ganji

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A/N: Made the art but I wanna see how long it's going to take for her to find out which fic I put it under >:]

"___,Would you be so kind as to help me?" Antonio pried your eyes from the book you were currently reading.

"With? Oh!" He pointed at his horns and the small loop they did. He was the oldest one on the farm so you'd never actually had to help your goats with horn problems before.

"There's an itch I just cannot scratch"

"Must be annoying," you put your book down and patted your lap,"should I get the Q tips?"

"Just your finger should be fine,Thank you it's been bothering me all day"  he tossed his long limbs over the extra large couch you had custom made and buried his face into your pants leg.

You stuck your finger into the loop where his horns curled and rubbed vigorously.

"Ahhh, finally" his tail swished quietly while you scratched his horns,"I could marry you right now"

"I dont think Ganji or Fiona would appreciate that statement" you laughed, He was practically purring at this point. While Fiona was more of a 'Thats my gal friend and I don't want anyone getting between us' type beat ganji was more 'Dont touch don't look, get close and I break your nose'. Antonio himself was more of a 'I do what I want because I can and it's funny' type of hybrid.

"The boy throws a hissyfit over the smallest of things,it would piss him off regardless"

"Who are you calling 'boy' ?"

"Speak of the devil"

There he was Ganji 'grouch' Gupta, as Antonio liked to call him.

"You better not be harassing her again" that usual frown was there on his face.

"lighten up Jiji, what's the...oh," it seems he'd made a realization,"Jiji,you aren't jealousy are you? Over little old me?" There was nothing little about him.

"Dont call me that"

"But it's such a cute name"

"Call me that again and I'll break your horn"

"I'd like to see you try" now the taller man was standing,looming over ganji like some evil spirit.

"Must you two argue all the time?"

"Is unbecoming," Fiona agreeded,taking Antonios spot on your lap. The two could never seem to get along half the time.

"Fiona did you want anything to eat?" You asked watching the two 'fought'.

"I'm fine...could you rub a little higher please? Thank you"

You smiled, if there was one thing all three of them loved it was getting their horns rubbed.

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