Green eyed| Mike|Aesop|Norton|Eli|Naib+

926 23 17

Jello asked: You may recognize me due to my name. For now, I’m going to torture Rasen and not request a lemon til later. Istg their so thirsty. Anyways, can I request MANEN reacting to their s/o talking to others more than them to which they get jealous?


He tries not to let it get to him,You're an adult! You can talk to whomever ever you want but he really can't help it!

He's worried that you'd rather hang out with them rather than some washed up harlequin.

He's already been betrayed once so he'll make sure that it won't happen again

He'll come up next to you and lie about needing something important done just to get you away from whomever your talking too

He's insecure about being important to someone,Mike craves that constantly reassurance that you like him,that he isn't boring, that he isn't washed up

Mike won't let you leave him,he needs you.


Dosent understand how to handle it

He's a rational man, he's never been one to just random act based on emotions alone.

But you look so happy talking to them

He knows hes not the most...energetic person

In fact Aesop thinks he's very boring, so he'd understand if you left him for someone with a bolder personality

Except he dosent want you too leave him, Aesop finds your company relaxing.

He wants you to be with him, in life or in death


Straight up tells you he dosent want you hanging out with that person anymore

He's a bit of a bully

But he's also extreamly possessive

He makes its known immediately too

You talking to that person? Norton is right behind you,standing there....menacingly.

Gives the person your talking to alot of shit and is just straight up mean to them

He won't throw an arm over your shoulder but he will tug you backwards by The loop of your belt hole

And if the person still dosent get the hint well they might have to nurse a broken nose soon


Like norton, Naib is also possessive

It's not that he dosent want you to have friends it's just... some of them are a bit too close to you

Too close to what Naib considers as 'his'

Glares at you both from afar then looks away whenever you turn to look at him

If you mouth 'I love you' or blow a kiss to him then he'll stop,for now at least

He's weak to that sort of stuff

Besides good food, Affection is a huge weakness of his

If he does let his jealously tske over expect your friend to be completely intimated by Naib

And also expect to be dragged away

Your his, remember? You aren't allowed to go make googoo eyes at someone else


He sends Brooke to go poop on them

Jk.... kinda

He does sends Brooke to go spy on them, if only to get some dirt on them

He'll never actively try and come between your friend but he will tell you any unsavory things they did

If the person is in the same room He'll make sure to be even more affectionate

Puts his hand around your waist or sends Brooke to sit on your shoulder

Makes sure to talk about dates right in front of them

He won't lose you like he lost Gertrude, he'd rather tear his eyes out than to let that happen


Like norton and Naib He is also possessive

He's a bit of hypocrite too

He finds comfort in knowing something or someone belongs to him

You and his bat,he can rely on himself and his skills to keep you safe

Uses his mean mug to scare you friend off

He feels like he needs to constantly remind you that he's there. He's the one your in a relationship with therefor he takes a higher role!


He's important to you,right? You wouldn't leave him?! RIGHT?!


Starts muttering swears at them under his breath but immediately stops when you come around

He isn't confrontational but he does wish he could *redacted* to your friend

He'll fake being Injured or hurt,if only to get your attention 

He won't outright say he wants physical affection but he'll heavily hint at or try and get you to initiate first

If only so he can pretend to be a tough guy

(Spolier,He isnt, he drinks warm milk before bed)

He likes to doodle on torn sheets of paper with you

He sucks at drawing btw

Like knowing your attention is on him


Ah yes

A man of sea

The man of your dreams

He's a bit obsessive, just a tad

If he dosent know what general area your in he starts to worry

But it gets worse when your friend show up

Its not like he dosent trust you,it's the world he dosent trust

He just wants to keep you safe so be ready for him to suddenly appear with an exsuce of

"___,could you be an angle and help me with my prosthetic please?"

You never say no to that

You are a jewel among the waves of humans, he's not letting anyone get you.Ever.

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