Phantom sands | Pharoah!Naib 🍋

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Warning: gore nsfw

They say that lovers are never truly torn apart,even in death. That their souls are carried on in the wind of time and sand of space. You yourself had never experienced that type of love before, the kind that you'd wait an eternity for...or so you thought.

You'd lived a good life filled with ups and downs,like an average human would and that's how You had expected to die. Surrounded by loved ones or in your sleep, maybe if your weren't lucky You'd die by a house fire or a car accident or worse a murderer. You had no idea this is how your life would end but it certainly wasn't this....

You and several other explores, archeologists and miners had traveled deep into a recently discovered pyramid off the very edge of the Sahara desert.

"Mr.Frank, how long have you been exploring this desert for?" You sat down next to the famous explore and offered him a bottle of water.

"How long? Mmm I'd have to say well over a year now, Miss.___, I've got to say this place is full if surprises!" He dug through his bag and pulled out several copies of paper,"Pardon the mess, I really should have gotten this- My papers!" A strong,night wind had taken him by surprise and tried to steal away one of his documents.

"I told you to keep your things organized Kurt, What if this was important?" The miner scolded,handing Kurt his paper back.

"Hahah, apologies"

"Go to sleep, all of you" Norton instructed,"you all need to be as alert as possible when we go down there" he was not going to be responsible if there was a sudden cave in due to an exhausted person's careless mistake.

"Now,now Mr.campbell surely there's room for one more story! It's even got to do with my theory on this unmarked Pyramid"

"You have ten minutes then it's lights out"

"I'll have to make this quick but there's a story about an old king who was betrayed by his lover on the night of their marriage, it's said she stabbed him to death while he was ah....canoodling with his harem," He wasn't sure if the two kings were connected but he noticed a pattern between two names in the hyroglifics in the story and the one on the massive pillar just outside,"its said that not even the blade managed to kill him and once he found out he flew into a rage,slaughtering his entire harem by himself,it's said that he was possessed by a demon and waits for his wife so that he can exsact his revenge! But who knows how true that is"

"Talk about resilient" you shivered when more harsh wind ran across your neck.

"Oh you have no idea! They said the forgotten God he worshiped bestowed him the body and bloodlust of a hell beast,he then was slain by his wife at the peak of midnight, she was crowned empress and ruled with an iron fist while her husband's violent spirit still longs for her death"

"Wow thats-"

"Times up, get your asses to bed" Norton said,holding out his lantern.

"Fine,thank you for the story Mr.Frank, I'll see you in the morning" waving goodnight to the two men you crawled into your own tent and fell asleep unnaturally quick.

'My Adenium-' in your sleep You heard a voice call out,'Adenium....brin- to...-e-" it was impossibly deep and everytime it spoke your could feel your body rumble with it. It sounded like a thousand voices speaking in sync.

"Mmh" you rolled over on your side then back to the other side,why was it so hot all of a sudden?

'Heart-bring me-'

It felt like your body was on fire, like you were to hot for your own skin. You felt something sharp dig into your neck and groaned in pain. You couldn't tell if it was real or not, how could anything have gotten into your tent? It was brand new! And this heat flash... maybe you'd eaten something bad?

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