Hats galor | Annji

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It started when Jack had torn through her hat,thankfully that was all he managed to tear,as she quiet literally dropped into dungeon.

She'd come out with a few minor scratches,surprisingly, yet the only thing on her person that hadn't survived was her hat!

Holding the poor head gear she sighed and tried to calculate the damage,it was too far gone unfortunately. It would have to be thrown out or turned into scraps.

"You really can't fix it?" Ganji poked at the torn gear.

"There's nothing too fix I'm afraid" but she'd keep it anyways,just incase she did find some way to repair it!

Ganji watched her sulk back to her room.

A new hat? He could find that! Miss.nighting gale always had something for sale in that weird place she called a shop.

Heading there he opened his pouch of frags and clues. Recently he'd been more popular on the rating meaning he received more sponsorships! Which was odd considering how most folks just paid attention to the meta survivors and hunters.

No one wanted to see some guy with Bat kite. No,the good folks in t.v land wanted to see the perfumer fall from a building then,somehow,teleport back up. He still wasn't sure how any of this stuff actually worked but Kurt had said something about being in another dimension. A place where 'The Manor' controlled all and invited anyone foolish enough to take the bait of 100k grand.

Yet despite his hatred for this cursed place Ganji entered the shop quiet and stalked up the half human half bird woman.

"How can I help you?"

"Do you have any hats?" He asked,setting his pouch on hips again.

"For you're little love I presume?" She was very aware of the large crush he had on the older woman.

Ganji whipped his head around to make sure no one else was around.

"Shh! How do you even know that?!"

"I have my ways,here" She opened the door and a walk in closet of hat lined the miles and miles of rows,"Do warn the cowboy of his time"

And she closed the door behind him.

The dimensions or portals or whatever she opened often led to migraines and other ailments if one stayed too long. He'd heard rumors that some folks tried escaping through one of her pocket dimensions and died trying.

He couldn't imagine dying here of all places,what a way to go!

"Heya buck! What yah get'en?" Kevin asked from down the isle.

"Did Percy really trample over your hat?"

Kevin snorted,"sure as hell did! Now I gotta get the damn brim fixed!" His hat looked awful and the brim had definitely been bent horribly! He had a steamer in one hand and ran it over his hat.

"Hey you think you could maybe fix Anne's hat? Jack tore it to ribbons"

"Jack huh?" He made sour face at the name,"Well I ain't no wizard but if yah bring it tah me I'll what I can do"


"Yeah yeah"  Kevin nodded and went back to fixing his hat. This was the only place with the correct supplies

"So uh....what do woman like in hats?" He asked walking past a few on white mannequin heads.

"I ain't know,Pink? Frilly shit? Pardon mah language"

Pink and frilly...that didn't really fit Anne.

He walked back and forth and saw a few nice looking hats but nothing that really stood out to him. He kept walking until Kevin busted out laughing.

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