Send nudes| Norton | Joseph|Ganji |Kevin|Andrew

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'Hey' you sent Norton a quick text from the living room.

'What?' Was the response you'd gotten a few minutes later.

'What are you wearing rn' you laughed into your hand. Ever since you'd given the man your old phone he'd taken quiet well to it.

' what. Does rn mean?' Of course he was still getting used to a phone and all the abbreviations too.

'It means right now, So God, what are you wearing?' You laughed harder to yourself,flirting with him was so funny.

'Pants and a shirt,where are you going with this'

Bingo! That's what you were waiting for,'Send nudes babe,let me see that phat Shmeat you packing' you busted out laughing and started to Choke on the air.

An image came in with him holding his fingers together,'where's the money first'

'Babe come on,let me see those milkers 🥛'


'Norton please,just pop a titty out,just one!'

'Bring me some money, and you might get to see my chest'

'But babe!'

'Not tits for you then'



'My sexy husband, show me that milky,pale chest of yours~'

Jospeh checked his phone and struggled to unlock it due to his claws, once he does he slips on his reading glasses and scans over what you just sent.

'What' It takes him a full minute to type out that single word. Hes old,and his nails get in the way.

'Jojo send me nudes please,Mama's hungry'

After about 5 minutes you finally get a response

'Whats nudes?'

Holy shit you were in love with this man,'I want to see your nipples, show me them~ please I'm so thirsty rn! Just one suck and I'll never complain again'

About ten minutes go by

'My dearest,___, does one loins burn for me? Does one heart ache as my own?'

"I love it when he speaking in old tongue,its so hot" you said to yourself,' I love you,now show me that sword rn'


'Baby cakes'

Ganji jumped at the vibration of the phone you'd given him,"___?" There was your name lighting up the screen. Holding the phone in one hand he took off his thick gloves and used his pointer finger to type each letter out.

'Jiji baby, show me that manly chest please'

He glared at his screen,talking out loud to himself "give me a minute to send my thoughts first"

'Do you really have to call me that? And why?' Unless you were buying him a new shirt then you had no reason to-

'Your usual outfit is such a tease, I wanna see more boobage! Show me your cute tits please,I need to make them my wall screen!'

He just about choked on his spit.

Why the hell did you want to see his chest!?!?

'Absolutely not, are you drunk? Did that lady get you drunk again????'

'Ganji I just want to admire how handsome you are!'

'I'm not sending you images of my chest'

'I'm coming to see them in person then'

'___? DONT!'


'My sexy cowboy'

The buzzed in his pocket making him jump,he'd honestly forgotten about the phone you'd given him. His face lit up when he realized he'd received a message from you.

'hI MiEqn Peryry lAydu'

'Show me your chest,I need something to look forward too'

He had to do a double take. We're you asking him to take off his shirt? Oh he liked where this was going!

'ShEon me Your ill show you Mine' hes still getting used to typing, his fingers are a bit too big for the screen but he's getting there.

'Daddy Kevin wants to see my chest? Fine by me~'

He had to put his phone down face first when he saw a large image come through. There was no way you-

"HOLY SH-" he bit his lip to shut himself up,stood and flew into the bathroom to try and get his nose to stop bleeding.


You have to tell him to grab his phone first cause he forgot it in his own bedroom.

He has it now but the letters are kinda small you have to get into settings to make them bigger for him to see easier.

'Ok you ready?'

'I'm ready'

You immediately send him a text,'Take your shirt off please~ my bunniekins♡'

He looked at the phone then looked up at you,"What?"

You put a finger to your lips and hushed him softly then pointed back to the phone.

He still didn't understand what you were trying to do here but since it's you he's going to try it.

He glanced at you getting up and going to the bathroom and sat patiently, waiting dor a new text to come in.

"Ah, ___? Whats this big gray?" He squinted at the phone and brought it closer to his face,"Yeah gray square th-" that's when his jaw dropped and the very lewd image you'd just sent him.

'Now show me yours♡'

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