Good things in the night|Jose

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Warning: anything you think is bad is in this one I was too excited to proof read so I'll be back

He remembered seeing the odd way the bones in your body stuck out from your limbs. The halo of dark red blood that drenched your body with a cleansing rain, tainting that once white dress into muddy pink.

It haunted him,the day you jumped plaged his mind and torment him. It kept him up at right and distracted him, he hadnt slept properly in months. When was the last time he bathed? He smelled,his hair was a mess and his teeth were building up plack. Disgusting,absolutely disgusting.

He hated it

Loathed it

Despised it

He couldn't escape it.

Your face,that happy yet mournful face you made that night chilled his soul,well what was left of it anyways. He wondered what went through that sick head of yours. The letters on his desk proved it all.

'Iv always wanted to ask what your favorite animal is'

'Do you like dogs? I assume you do since you play with Wick alot'

'I want your Last name, when we get married let's have a small house by the ocean'

He tossed one of the many,many MANY letters down onto his desk, empty and full bottles surrounded him as he moved onto the next one. Looking for a new one He rubbed his neck,dark spots had been appearing all over his body now. They were starting to hurt, had he aquired bed bugs? It wouldn't surprise him.

'Do you like children? I don't think you do but I don't mind them, I spent my entier life around them'

Jose snorted,You got that right, he didn't hate children but they were unruly and a pain to deal with. He rubbed the dark spot on his neck,they were starting to hurt again.

'You yawned 35 times today, Are you tired? I went and brought you another blanket'

Said one letter

'Your watch was looking a bit gray,I know it means alot to you so polished it,I hope you like it'

Oh yes he remembered that day,when he woke up from a particular bloody match his watch had been shined and mended perfectly. It all made sense now. He tossed another swig back and sighed,the burning felt nice in the back of his throat .

'Don't forget to drink more water,I know you fall to the bottle but you don't want a kidney stone do you? They hurt,alot!'

'Do you know how to drive? You might think this silly but I'm scared of carriges'

'You have a really cute birthmark on your back'

'I like watching you concentrate during matches,you look so handsome,I wanted to say this to your face but this will have to do'

'Did you know,this is our 200th time meeting! I'm so excited! Mini Jose and I are celebrating above you, it's too crowded for you to join though,I even put on some nice perfume!'

Perfume, it must have been hand made,the only person he knew who could make that was Vera.

He dug in the pile and pulled out what looked to be a fairly recent letter. The ink was still Shiney,like it had just been written.

'It's an almost addictive scent, I myself just want to lay around and dissolve in it,what do you think?'

That's when some sweet started to invade his nose. It was mind numbing,he felt like nothing yet could feel the embrace of the wind or maybe it was the rain? That sweet yet rainy scent, like cake or bread being made. Addictive.

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