chocolate apologies |Joesph |Ganji |Kevin|Lucky

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Giving characters of your choice chocolate as an apology for all the prank you been pulling


He's hesitant to take it

After all you've been a pain in his butt all week!

But you give him your best puppy dog eyes and beg as sweet as you can,he'll cave

"This better not be another trick,___"

He has a bit of a bad sweet tooth so chocolate is definitely the way to go with him

Or scones, especially ones baked with blueberries!

He loves. He absolutely adores it when you make him stuff! But not so much when it's a shared gift like bakes goods then he gets a bit moody.

He's just being spoiled tho~


"Hah? I'm not taking anything you give me"

He's learned his lesson

Last time you gave him toothpaste that was laced with chili peppers

Ganji isn't really phased by spicy things but it did catch him off guard

"Please? Jiji! I really don't want you to be mad at me anymore"

Mad? Oh he wasn't mad,a bit annoyed but not mad

"I dont-"

"Please? I hand made this for you!"

He cringed at the attempted chocolate in a bag,he could smell the burnt sweet from where he stood.


"Give it here, and stop playing pranks on people!" He'll accept your apology but your gift was going straight into the trash or naibs mouth. Either way it would get disposed off!


Like the other,he's hesitant to take it

You'll have to sweet talk your way into getting him to accept it

"Its safe I promise!"

"You're a damn liar,___"


...."Ok fine!"

He takes it and prays its not something gross like that toothpaste filled poptart you gave him once. He still dosent know how you managed to do that.


"Dont smile at me like that!" He's surpised that your chocolate is actually chocolate! And it tastes good too!

Later he'll ask you to make more, when he works up the courage


Takes it without hesitation

"Thanks kitten!"

He hot

Kevin make brain go brrrrrr

He loves it when people gift him things, that's what he sees as being friends which mean deepening relationships!

It's even better when such a pretty lady gives it too him~

He'll write a song about it and play it during a match

"My dear,kitten has gifted me some sweet candies~ I can't wait to eat them and share with my sweeites- HEY! IT AINT EASY FIXING THAT!" the hunter broke his mandolin almost immediately.

You spend the rest of the day watching him fix it.

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