Black tulip|Norton 🍋

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You weren't too big on drinking,you never found it ah what's the word? Fun? Entertaining? It was something along those lines. You personally enjoyed painting while you sipped on some juice or listening to music but tonight a friendly bar maid had convinced you to come to a party at her tavern.

You refused,politely, at first.

"Oh,I'm not a drinker that would be my sister! If you want her instead I can see if she'd want to come!"

You were more introverted than her and everyone in this dusty old town knew it.

"It's just a party to welcome some old retired sheriff's! Everyone's going! You don't even have to know anyone,just come and mingle!"


"They're some big shots around here,helped protect the town from a large gang of bandits way back when"

Now that caught your interest.

"Well if I remember I'll definitely try and swing by"

Satisfied with your answer she waved goodbye and went off about her merry way.

If that bar maid was right maybe you could get some real accurate description of life in the wild. Out there were the animales were deadly and there was no guarantee you'd wake up in the morning.

That sounded perfect! If there was one thing you wanted in your story's, it was accuracy!

If you could meet these men, then you hoped they'd give you a moment to their time!

"Oh shoot!" You needed to get back to your bookstore!

But that was seven hours ago, and right now, you were weaving in and out of body's looking for the honored guests of the night.

The town center was covered in tables with food and drinks and stalls with even more food and drinks waiting to be served and sold. Small torches had been scattered about as people came in and out of buildings.

"Not my brightest decision...oh! There she is!" That woman from before, the one with the funny looking hair and skin. She was sitting next to mixed man, a cowboy, maybe? Drinking with him and listening to stories being told.

You walked around the bench and waited for a good time to get her attention as the man with the twists spoke.

"Speak'en 'o windchester, towns full'o a bunch'o weirdos," he grunted," I ain't too big on all them fancy dohickys and ding dongs but yah ain't seen strange till ya see a man walk'en out into a field on fire"


"Ain't no way."

" 'tis true! Said they were try'en to make a fireproof powder'er something. "


There was some low snoring from one of the men next to him. He had his hat over his face,knocked out sleep.

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