One of A Kind Technology Fairy

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A girl stood at one the docks on August 18, 1995 almost seven years old as her birthday came in December. She had pink hair fashioned into a pixie cut and she wore one piece purple suit with a small party like hat shaped helmet. Her sky blue eyes popped open wide as she shouts her protective spell." Firewall!"

A green shield appears in front of her canceling out some malfunctioning drones of the city of Zenith.


"Tetra come on, don't worry about your sister!" She assured her. "I got her!"

Tetra hugged her older friend. Tecna aimed her green beams at the technology of Zenith.

"She's done it again! This Mystery Tech Wizard knocked out malfunctioning drones chasing children."

"Terraine are you okay?" inquires Tecna approaching the other girls. "Come on out the fire arms are all over. Take my hand."

"Who is this mystery hero and why are these drones malfunctioning so badly recently?"

Tecna smiled as she saw the sisters hugging.

The people yelling on the streets about the drone warehouse where they were developed shouting actually chanting her name. "Way to Go Tecna! Way to Go Tecna! You're my Hero Tecna! You're my Hero Tecna! You Go Tecna!"

"I can't believe that is Magnethea's daughter and Electronia's child as well Tecna Logical and Brains family name." says an older man.

She went home to her parents her Father Magnethea and her Mother Electronia.

"You really shouldn't attract the news reporters to your hero rescuers, Tecna." scolded her Father. "You might grab the attention of King Cryos, he might arrest you for destroying his property!"

"I'm aware but somebody's gotta watch the back of the younger generations." said Tecna. "He doesn't pay enough attention to his people, he has no feelings. (Yes, currently she has feelings.) I don't care if I get arrested I want those stupid royals to know to take better care of their people which they're doing. Two of them freshmen from my Elementary were already nearly murdered. This is why I have to stand up to the authorities and I must challenge them. And I aim to do so good in school Alfea will select me as a student as 16 years old."

"Your Father said he just wants you to be cautious." stated Tecna's Mother. "It could affect everyone of us. And I don't want us to have to separate."

"The King doesn't realize his technology is somewhat flawed because he's flawed and other Dimension people don't come to us because they consider our technology quite the liability. Soon enough if the King of Zenith doesn't begin to care his technology wouldn't care either and it would back fire on him (accidentally predicting the pillar of Control and the malfunctioning drones in Season 5). I'm trying to be careful as far as the media they're bored to death for some excitement I'd say people are saying, "Tecna's brought life back into to Zenith realm!"

Then Tecna's parents stood speechless and smiled for now Tecna was absolutely normal girl who would turn seven in December.

"Lime Precison Boxed Juice you remembered, and Algorithm Soup my favorite." says Tecna. "Thank you, Daddy and Mommy!"

"You know exactly what I have been asked to investigate, Electronia my lovely wife."

"I know you're talking about that bone marrow disease and you suspect that the King of Zenith is using it to silence anyone and everyone who gets in his way. Tecna is in danger. Yet she doesn't know it." Electronia says.

"I found a way to alter the injection so instead of being left with bones part of the support structure is taken over by wires. I haven't created the full skeletal support wires yet, but at least we won't lose our daughter to the rotting dungeons, Electronia, my dearest lightbulb."

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