Mystery Apprentice

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A boy with black hair and a single blonde strand next to the left part of his face profile complimenting his fair vanilla complexion stepped off the carriage at the entrance to the palace which was one basic big boom box building shape. The floors were blue the walls a pastel creamy yellow color the ceilings white and the royal runner on top of the blue floor was a brilliant shining purple under crystal globes of light.

"You're here Master Alcuin welcome back home to Melody I trust there was little trouble with air traffic here into Music City home of the palace Melody." Lehondra greets him. "Queen Karola and King Garmonious are awaiting your results from that attack at the theater a year a year and two months prior from now."

"I know. And it's come to my attention that the attack was intentional. Somebody killed those young girls with power of music and took both their voices with them, your Royal Majesties. I believe there's still a great threat at large to Musa and her cousin. They can't see each other nor should they sing together it might bring back the attack. He seems to be attracted to confidently singing singers especially when their magic is family tied and a massively powerful energy is produced with such strong emotions. This is to protect both of these girls and keep them safe until they are old enough to defend themselves against such an attacker. We must be wary though this attacker can come back and find someone else to pick on not just them and he is able to manipulate little animals to do his bidding for the current moment. The transferral objects of the powers were two rats that appeared on stage that same night at the second after the song had only just begun."

"Should we inform the families of the true cause?" asked Karola.

"Not yet." says Alcuin. "We should wait if they know the truth they might be even more targeted then because they would have evidence against their attacker and this would put them in jeopardy."

Meanwhile back in Gardenia Italy Bloom poured the Trail Mix Dr. Carmelo had given her into three little yellow cups.

"Ghoul M &M's really Bloom?" asked Roxy.

"The story was probably out of the red white and green ones, and regular plain ones." Vanessa responds. "Dr. Camelo knows how you like your trail mix girls, M & Ms, unsalted roasted peanuts, raisins and semi sweet dark chocolate chips. I'm sure you will like it too Roxy."

"Did we actually get a result about Bloom's head injury from the doctor yet?" asked Mike.

"Yes, he gave me the paper that shows the X-ray they took," says Vanessa.

"My what injury?" inquires Bloom a little surprised.

"When you were little when you found you and Selina in that fire, it was like you had been thrown from somewhere so your back of your head slammed into the wall and gave you a temporary concussion and kickstarted retrograde amnesia Bloom. You weren't moving your left side of your body was completely limp. The right side of your brain was damaged. And you were so hot." Vanessa explains. "The right part of the brain stores date which is why it is called the autopilot or downstairs and helps you move around easily without getting confused but it also the most illogical part of the brain around at times."

"It's a good thing when we had Dr. Camelo look at you he said your nerves would slowly bounce back and that the head would heal and you would be able to move again. You were very lucky that you didn't have any part of a fracture skull." Mike responds. "I asked him to check your temperature and he said it was in normal fever range for people who get colds and no matter how hard he tried to cool you down you just wouldn't cool down, but he wasn't really concerned as it was nowhere near the condition of hyperthermia and wrote on his report if we should see other doctors for any reason that we should just label your hot temperature as normal for you and your life."

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