Sickened Witch

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Anne's Pov
"Let's see Darcy was already sweating before when she got to us." I informed Solette.

"Her body heat went up, Anne, by 6 degrees since I hugged her when we met." Solette replied and took off her jacket as she saw Darcy's body shaking.

"Darcy put it on," says Solette,"Please."

Darcy did accept the jacket.

"Why do I feel so chilly?"

"You've a fever Darcy and it's just started, young lady." I responded. Darcy was having trouble breathing. Solette bent down on her knees to do the chest compression on the dark haired witch.

"Keep talking tell me what else is the matter?" asked Solette trying to distract Darcy from the fact she was ill. "Lay still on your back for me Darcy."

Solette and I knew Darcy wasn't gonna talk for awhile she was struggling for air. Solette opened her friend's mouth and washed away the junk that was clogged up in it deleting it with her magic powers.

"Anne look away, I know you don't want to see another naked person." Solette spoke understandingly. And I did look away as Solette undid Darcy's buttoned down purple dress shirt coat and a bare chest shown, though Solette did her best trying not to let anyone but herself see the chest. She placed a her hands first on the upoer part of the chest her body blocking what women usually cover up with a bra. She did 30 compressions there. Then moved to the sternum areas and man do ladies know how much  flex their body parts have.

Although the picture doesn't say when performing CPR that you should gently pull the clothing back a little

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Although the picture doesn't say when performing CPR that you should gently pull the clothing back a little. This is obiviously the less severe of two cases, worst case scenario is placing the pads and defibrillator machine, but in you're in a rural area and don't have that kind of technology in a worst case scenario I would say do the same hand pressed in this picture on the upper right chest, the sternum (I believe that is the case for males) and middle of breasts/ breastbone for ladies, you will not being touching them a lady's parts like that will fall to the sides giving you and your hands enough space to proceed with said procedure) and last place for chest compression for lower left chest just below your ribs yep I said it work diagonally down the chest entirely. Did you know men are so scared of performing CPR on ladies because they're afraid of being labeled as a Sexual Assaulter well some states have laws of protection against that claim for those who perform CPR. Solette did the 30 presses against the chest in all three places stopping between each one set of the three of the 30 chest compressions to give Darcy the extra air to restart kick-up her system all over again. Darcy started breathing more steadily on her own.

"Anne, call Merry please we need help, Darcy can't go back to her sisters like this she's too ill." said Solette. "All they're gonna do is keep giving you mental headaches."

"To be honest, Solette, I already had a mental headache by the time I ran into you and your fellow fairy friend." Darcy admitted. "Icy, Stormy and I may be triplet sisters but we haven't figured out how to act like true sisters towards each other. The only thing we're good at is arguing over each other about the hobbies we can't and can do. Icy's a different person on Dyamond Sapphire was her favorite sister. She didn't care about her other two sisters. But she would fuss over our youngest sister almost all the time. She had everything and she lost it all and yet she was never happy ever, Solette. Icy's so depressed and seeing her depressed just brings Stormy and I down a whole other level for if the eldest one has low confidence how will we ever be confident enough about ourselves?"

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