Truth or Dare P2

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Darcy's Pov
Magix library, it was a good thing as I got a decent paycheck from the restuarant that Icy and I worked on I had applied for a library card at the Snowville Magix library with ease. I was in the dark section of library magic.

"Bloodline Control Spells, Blessings, Curses and their supposed Cures."

"Blood oaths, impossible to break unless one willing takes the pain of the other upon themselves. Love through pain leads to one's demolished sacrificed body. Love breaks every dark and cruel tie there is. Love has no boundaries no knowledge of age and no knowledge of envy or judgement or boasting. Blood pact an agreement signed into opposing people's blood to never harm one another. The Dark Mark or the Deatheater mark burned into the skin the mark of the Dark Dragon though unlike Valtor who chose to keep the head and horns jutting out as his black mark the Risen Dark Lord of Earth chose a pattern a little harder to discover a reptile of the land and soil as well as water but not off the sky, however real snakes hated the Dark Lord especially those of Earth in Albanian woods. In fact the forest was floor was carpeted with riddled snakes that Riddle had try to live and the stench of dead snake was too pungent to take for their neighbors. And it was impossible not to take notice of it. Ironically none of these snakes dead were venomous and venomous snakes the small ones stayed away from the dead piles of snakes but the whole secret was that the Dark Mark was made out of Dark Dragon wielders' blood. And only one with the counterpart blood of the Dark Dragon can completely erase this mark. How did the Dark Lord come to have to drink unicorn blood? Well, I think I have your answer when Quirrel ran into the Dark Lord I believe a venomous snake tired of seeing his non toxic relatives dying out all around him he struck out to stop it. This snake was a Nose-horned viper. It was sitting on a bright sunny boulder upon the edge of the shady forest waiting waiting for the spirit and its comrade to come beyond the forest canopy. The comrade being human would die not long afterwards being bitten the Norse-horned viper thought about Quirrel had agreed to help Vlodemort but as soon as he stepped out of the forest his back and legs just a half inch before this viper's triangular head. Loud hissing was obvious but very ignored and half inch fangs protruded glowing and shimmering under the sun, they punched into the skin of the soon to be Dark Arts Professor Quinius Quirrel himself. It was as about as painful as a screwdriver being punched underneath the skin there's an actual name for venom injection deep under the skin: Subcutaneous injection. Some snake bites from toxic snakes do look like they may have been slightly dragged about by the victim of their bite therefore leaving a reference of two scratches behind on the victim's skin, it could be shallow or it could be deep. Quirrel's hands went immediately to his left he need the viper is a hemotoxic snake, an immense and intense pain began to gather round that place below his left knee. The skin began to swell and loose its coloration, and tissue was starting to erode from the inside out.


"Yep, me. Stop killing my friends!" The snake hisses. "You're going to keep losing fights this way because you don't treat your hosts of your spirit any better than your followers. Did you really think every snake in this forest is like a dumb blonde? You're comrade won't last long with my venom spreading through his body system!"

The snake got even scarier and said. "I'm tired of smelling all my dead kin you killed here so I'm forcing you both back to awful world of civilization you so detest for mocking you both!" The snake raised his head not hesitating at all."

Quirrel was going to raise his wand at the toxic snake. Tom Riddle told him not too.

"If you're going to cast the fire spell don't it would bounce right back at you venomous snakes have fire in their bodies, come on we need to get you anti-venom and I will tell you how to go about a pressure bandage but unfortunately for Tom Riddle the bleeding of the leg where it had been punctured kept bleeding. It would not clot even with a pressure bandage over it and the more you move with venom injected into your body the more likely it is to reach the critical parts of your body spreading through the bloodstream. This was a vein bleed but it could get worse and worse and it showed no sign of quitting any time soon. They did acquire antivenom but unfortunately for Quirrel there was only some tiny bit of relief before he discovered anaphylactic shock towards the antivenom people went about making. These cases are very rare especially when it comes to snake antivenoms.

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