The Fears of Witches & Love

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Darcy's Pov
"I know two of my biggest fears no scratch that three of them, disappoint my lover Solette's boyfriend what if my potions never work in the end. And I can never be together with him." stammered Darcy. "Second it's Icy she can be really super scary and the Mirror of Desired Dreams and Goals was right the Shadows all around me tell me what I don't know when someone keeps it from me, I know Sapphire's been transformed into a White Arctic fox already. I always knew beforehand. Icy doesn't want anyone to know otherwise other witches will think she's a bit of a softie. And that's the same way I feel as if other witches would react to me being in love with someone who has sun powers and I'm the Darkness. I really love Loon deep deep down in my heart, but I'm scared of love and the challenges it comes with. I'm afraid if I say yes to be his girlfriend we'll always be on the run together and my sister Icy wouldn't want that for anyone, Anne and Serta."

Darcy buried her hands in her face weeping, and fell to her knees yet again.

Desertrose walks up to her, and says, "Let me tell you something my Mom advises me to take into consideration about love relationships and how to think of them, she often says something similar to this statement, "'Don't rush in love, for it never runs out. Let love be the one to knock at you door, so by the time you start to fall, you know, that your feeling is for sure.'" This way you will never ever have to doubt your true love. If it makes you more comfortable I'll stay right here, and you and Anne will be alone to look into the mirror.

"No, you go, Desertrose, I don't want to see what I know I'm gonna see." says Anne. "I'll be fine nothing is gonna happen. I can handle myself pretty well. Darkness doesn't scare me. It shouldn't scare you too either; it's not trying to be your enemy but rather pass along side a message many have long forgotten."

"I understand your fury of what the Andros guards did to you it makes perfect sense why you have such a current rage, and you're afraid the mirror with only reactivate even more than it was." said Darcy soothingly. "That rage often courses through my body's veins too. Tough love is karma by others upon us. Let's go Desertrose, we must trust her like she trusts us."

Flash Forward

"Lady Anne."

"Aisha Princess of Andros." Anne remarked.

"Don't call me that, Dark Morphix!" She exclaimed.

"Tsunami Shields!" Anne conjured. "Really the best you got Royal Princess pain in the behind! I know this isn't who you are."

"Eugh, this old blast from the past, Dasha is a real pine needle in the side."

"Guess what, I may be a blast from the past but I am not afraid of the Famous Winx. They're not full of pride like you three are."

"Darrinea, Nature Cage!" orders Bloom. "Now."

"You got it, Flare." Flora responded.

"Rising tides, nice try darkkix flower fairy girl!"
"Oh you so have it one, I'm not Flower fairy I'm the great great grand daughter daughter of Ancestral Fairy the descendant of the Ancestral Fairy of Nature, Luleena! Spring Showers!"

"Ocean Dome!" exclaimed Anne jumping.

"What are you up to Anne?" asked Stormy.

"Tell Darcy to do it now!" exclaimed Anne.

"Shadow orb!"

"Darcy!" groans Flora.

"And frosting on the cake, Frozen pillars!" Icy conjures at Bloom when she tried to attack Darcy and disrupt her spell. "Black Dragonfury!"

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