The Nightmare Gate

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Three days it took to reach the space aboard Captain Jim Hook's ship the Jolly Roger.

"Are you sure about this?" inquired Springdusk. "I don't trust Jim Hook."

"I know but to reach the problem and its location I needed to ask for flight passage aboard an airborne ship." stated  Tigerlily. "And Jim's the only one who owns one. Plus, I made a deal with him if he did this for us that I would take him to Black Island give him a backwards portal clock to allow him to leave Neverland he's bored here since Peter left the islands. And I'm not one to go back on my words."

"We're almost there, guys!" Captain Jim yells. "Sails on port-side turn the ship to the starboard side 4 clicks updraft coming into us quickly.  I hope you're ready you guys for whatever lies ahead on that Black Cloud Isle."

Tigerlily was cleaning her boomerang and Shaman was carving flintstones from which he drew his chaotic forces of the Earth.

"What is that?" asked Smee. "I don't understand what I'm seeing."

"Lion's Eyes!" Springdusk conjured. "That's the problem."

"What's the problem?" questioned the Shaman.

"There's slime spilling out of the gate and a rock jammed into the portal it seemed to have been purposely pushed there."

"You're saying someone wants the portal open?" asked Tigerlily.

"Yes, to magic dark magic make dark monsters out of those of us who live in the dream world and it's in the water that heads to the lagoon of the mermaids. No wonder they've gone crazy especially the three who remain. We have to stop before it destroys the rest of the mermaid siren decency to control themselves." said Springdusk. "Let's get going guys!"

Politea's Pov

"Opaleena wait," Nerissa exclaimed. "Politea wait up! You two aren't old enough to be swimming about the ocean all alone!"

"Opaleena!" I called out. "Stop watchout for the box jellyfish!"

"Politea there's no such thing as box jellyfish on Neverland." chuckles Opaleena flipping her white hair off her shoulder. Nerissa crossed her arms across her chest and smirked raising an eyebrow at her little sister.

"What are looking at, big sister?" asked Opaleena.

"You sure about your understanding of your surroundings?" questioned Nerissa.

"What?! What?!" asked Opaleena in a begging voice immediately.

"She means  swim forward and look behind you." I say. "Now swim forward young mermaid!"

 "Now swim forward young mermaid!"

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"Now look behind you," I said. "Hey sea jellies sorry she's still learning the rules of the ocean?"

"Why does Politea get to swim with those jellyfish?" asked Opaleena.

"She's their best friend and immune to their shock and stinging, Opaleena the creatures of the Nightmare Seas must be given the right of way, it is the price to be the Neverland Guardian of the oceans." Nerissa explains. "Nobody can talk to a jellyfish school the way Politea is able to. Watch her learn her smarts and creatures will be obliged to help you eventually just as much as her."

"She's a real sea creature tamer isn't she sister?" asked Opaleena.

"Yes, she most certainly is, little sister perhaps the best of our kind since she is so active about mastering it, Opaleena. Now come on we mustn't be late for the festivities of the White Mermaid you know you bear her likeness and she was our Grandmother." Nerissa states.


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