Metamorphosis Magic Training P2

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Meanwhile up above Shadowhaunt and Magix city south of them southwest lay the Darkwoods that almost from all sides crowded Cloudtower Castle. In the heart of the forest instead of dark and gloomy it was lush and pretty for where expects just darkness light will shimmer from within it through a crotch of a cave lay a secret place.

"I still can't believe we get to camp out in the Dark woods." said Aisha. "Daddy did Lady Griffin really give you permission again? It's kinda of spooky out here in the nighttime."

"She didn't really give me permission, but she gave your Mother permission, besides the humidity was killing me." says Teredor. Aisha chuckled ever since meeting Alcwin her father had become more lighthearted more merry.

"It would be better if you had invited my adopted big brother Alcwin from Melody he calms me down when I'm around him I don't get so many nightmares especially from your stories."

"Aisha, there's a reason we can't." said Niobe. "What we know here can't get beyond our family lineage."

"Why?!" I asked.

"Go collect fire wood, young lady. And touch only fallen twigs and logs got it, daughter?" Teredor instructed her immediately. Aisha shook her head walked off. She was now officially 9 years old her birthday and Alcwin's had passed in mid June. (I hope I said 9 I meant to earlier when we were talking about Aisha's past.) Her Father barely changed. But his temper and strict attitude had loosened up a bit by now.

Her phone rang.

"Alcwin, my Teddybear it's not very usual for you to call me in the middle of the Morning."

"Sorry, just wanted to make sure you got there safe and sound you know. I am worried about you little sister but just a tinsy bit."

"Oh, I love it when you're so concerned about me. You actually make such a big soothing comforting fuss where as my Dad just consistently yells at me."

"Aisha, he's not trying to yell at you, but being a King he isn't good at any other kind of conversation when it comes to talking. " says Alcwin. "A Kingly job when one attends socially criticial meetings nobody seems do anything, but yell at each other. Give him some slack, Bubblybear."

Aisha blushed at his nickname for her and replied, "I will. And stay safe, Bro."

"You too, Aisha, by the way I heard that are little fluttery creatures in the forests of Magix that bond with fairies and witches. Maybe you'll bump into one and have a new friend beside me."

"Shush, Alcwin, you're not just a bestie, you're my big brother my non related family, okay." Aisha silenced him. "I didn't know the forest was enchanted. I'll call you tomorrow. I heard something, Teddybear."

She heard him save. "Love you, Princess"

"Lots of love to you," She answered. Then he stated. "Bye!"

"Goodbye!" She hung up the phone and put it on her bag. She went southwest thinking the noise she heard was from that very direction right now.

"Man am I glad I ate a bunch of sweetpotatoes and carrots that were baked inside that meatloaf meal." said Aisha. "Otherwise, I'd be blind as a bat underneath this incredibly thick and dark forest. No normal human could travel through this darkness. What was one of the songs my favorite bandfolk used to constantly sign it creeped everyone out, but me. I don't know why, but it actually made me laugh."

Aisha gaped as in front of her was an old woman with ashened hair, dried out skin and absolutely no face.

🎶The hag and the hungry goblin
That into rags would render ye,🎶

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