The Gifts for A Princess

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I knew that the party was my Dad's gift to me, Luna's gift was the star pendant.

"Princess Eagalia, I hope you like this Soulsister Necklace I got you." Varanda presented her gift to me.

"I love it, Varanda." said Eagalia. "I wear it when I go to Earth during our Solar Eclipse."

"Since when would you go to Earth during a Solar Eclipse?" asked Varanda confused.

"Well my Father can't stand life without sunlight and it will be a full eclipse here because well the second sun of Solaria will disperse some of its powers to the Lightfountain of Solaria and that will be given to worthy Solarian Fairy Guardians who once the Eclipse is over will relight the globe of the Second Sun of Solaria realm. My Mom won't be effected by this in a Month's time as she is a moon fairy she has no need to go to Earth but my Dad and I both have sun powers that might go haywire if we stay during the eclipse so it's better to go where we will have a hard time causing a mess of things. And Daphne will be easily available should she need a helping hand with the kingdom?"

"When is this Eclipse?" asked Melody Galatea's sister.

"It's on October 24 of this year dark magic goes off the charts on days like this, girls."

"Do you know where you are staying yet? In what country?"

Eagalia shook her head and said. "But I wouldn't have to wear fancy clothes. Earth is having a Solar Eclipse too that day but it's not full eclipse like it will be here not yet anyways. I know we're going to somewhere in Europe."

"They're going to Italy, Galatea, Melody and Varanda but don't worry it's a full month away from that time still." sighs Luna. "I have an older teacher from Alfea who lives in one of the less popular towns beyond the western Amafli Coast of (Eldora she's Faragonda's sister but a second generation sister) and a fairy Godmother."

"Really what is her name, Mom?"

"Not telling," says Luna. "You will know her when you sense her, Eagalia."

"Wasn't Stella's name Italian for Star?" questions Varanda. "That's amazing you know the language from being in the country Luna wish I knew Portugal culture and Portuguese language."

"Maybe someday you can and will get to learn those things, Varanda." said Luna.


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