A Real Feel To Evil

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You're gonna like this one and the end of the last chapter too. You'll see some of Ogron's biggest fears.

Ogron stumbled, while the world of blue around him partially faded to show it wasn't the real world, but his dreams, the water went clear instead of being solid blue but Ginny didn't.

"Ow!" Ginny asked. "Was that necessary, Ogron, or do I need to pinch you to show you I've very much in your head, he had thrown his belt at her to test his idea, and she caught it and threw it back.

"How are you in my head, Ginerva?" stammered Ogron.

"Because I want to be in here, Ogron it as simple as that trust me." said Ginny. "That thing is very real too."
She pointed to the stair well of the Pensieve that they went into last chapter together a black curtain unraveled in front of, Ogron dropped his jaw open at the dark clouds of dementors that hung over the city of Gardenia.

It showed a picture of him holding his head screaming, and then an icy statue with a frown and no more light in his eyes, Ginny was crying. She caressed the statue and hugged it tight it was the only older brother she really got to know, Percival Weasley.

"Is that the Dementor Kiss?" gasped Ogron.

"Dementor's Kiss leaves people immobile, frightful, and deathlike, but now his heart's been sealed away in ice because you couldn't control your shadows Ogron, and when the Ministry and Muggle world cannot suppress evil even evil is in jeopardy at the real feel of evil. Evil doesn't have the sense to realize its jeopardizing its very own nature, so Ogron, you must wake up, realize that and begin to start throwing away your pride for now. You're allowed to show vulnerability no one is perfect."

The Pensieve flashed back to Ginerva's mental memories at 11 years old some positive with Harry and some half positive half negative with the Dark Lord.

"Uh, yeah, no, Mrs. Weasley thank you." Harry declined the offer. "I'll buy my own books; Ginny can have these."

He handed her the first set of books for her first school year of Hogwarts, now that's a gentleman.

"Betcha ya loved that, Potter!Famous Harry Potter can't even go anywhere without getting your face on the front page."

"Malfoy." stated Harry sternly.

"Leave him alone." Ginny snapped.

"Oh look, Potter, you got yourself a girlfriend!" Draco replied. Ginny casually rolls her eyes at the blonde boy at this sentence.

"Now, now Draco, play nicely. Mr. Potter, Lucius Malfoy, we finally meet at last." He introduced himself, and shoo hands with Harry as polite form of greeting everyone else in the store expected to always happen everyday. "Forgive me, but your scar is as legend as of course is the wizard who gave it to you."

"Vlodemort killed my parents." Harry responded. "He's nothing more than a murderer."

Lucius backed away and raised his eyes at Harry, and commented. "You must be very brave to mention his name or very foolish."

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." Hermione informed Mr. Malfoy as she stepped up to stand beside us.

His eyes seemed to go higher at her response here, and he quickly remarks and notes. "You must be Ms. Granger, Draco's told me all about you, and your parents, Muggles... aren't they?"

He's worse than his son, honestly. Ginny watched as her father came up in between them.

"Despite what Lucius Malfoy tried to hide there that at that bookshop in Diagon Alley, there was an indignant trace of fear of showing up in his blue eyes, Ogron. I saw it in there that day, he hates my family because through my father's side we have a relationship to the Black family, and that makes us connected to his wife and connected to him." Ginny sighs. "As you know not every relative could or will ever get along all the times we want to; some families just aren't meant to get along finally. The worst, Lucius Malfoy ever did was try to get back at my Father, by murdering me at school with that book trick he put on my path. It took me awhile too figure a little black pocket-sized diary was enchanted and dangerous taking me further in and deeper into the real feeling of very true evil. He attacks my mind every night, even though, he's actually already been fled, but it's still always on my mind, that my experience at Hogwarts was like no other student in their first years. People can claim they're so very brave; but few would be brave enough to stand up to the mental torture of the Dark Lord like I have, Ogron. Redhead to red head with you stand beside me and defend against Valtor's trainee Vlodemort aka Tom Riddle?"

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