Green Sky

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"It looks like Bloom was right the lightning might have stopped, but the Sky is still an eerie green color." says Sally as she walked to the bus with some of the other people from the park who had ridden with them for a bit in the limousine. "Guess it wasn't fireworks after all."

"You are going to pay for that!" Dumant snarled transforming into a wolf and Nebula focused her concentration. "Electric blasts!"

Green spheres left her hands. Dumant transformed into an owl a great Eurasian Eagle Owl at that the spell missed him because he wasn't a big target anymore. It hit the trees and started burning them.

"You better watch where you throw your spells or you might anger the Major Fairies of Mother Nature Nebula, admit you never were nor could you ever be a tried and true fairy of Peace it doesn't even match your powers. You even sound like a Fairy of War to me as well. Just give up. Your Fairy Friends will hate you for interrupting their vacation. You should join us!"

"Not a chance, Dumant!" Nebula shouts. "Even you are family I could never behave like you! Electric Rivers!"

The fire that burned up one of the trees was spreading it entered into the water and the water gushed over the edge of its banks in response to the heat. It drenched Dumant.

"Shocking isn't what Chaotic Nature can do! Feeling edgy why my electricity powers have a tendency to make the brain work harder and yet feel more pain Dumant!" whispered Nebula.

"Electric sword!" Anagan cast. "You want an Electricity Fight you should be picking on me not him!"

"Aw. But this guy's only powerful in his animal forms especially that giant bear of yours," retorted Nebula.

"I always told Harmoania you were a slimy sister in-law guess I was accurate about that." Anagan replies.

"I wouldn't blame her for that, wizards you made a big mistake coming out to play!" yells Diana. "Amazonian Warrior Fairies fight back! Do me proud because of your training!"

"Thanks for having my back Diana!"

Dumant started laughing. "What you think enchanted little sticks can help you protect your precious realms? What a joke! I mean come on. You're as bad as the humans."

"I will show you cold, sharp and fierce!" Aurora replies appearing out of the air. "Northern Sea Spheres! Try that one on for size Earth wizard!"

"That's enough!" Ogron stated appearing. "Time to break this annoying fairy party up! Glad you came out to have a dance Aurora Lady Fairy of the North!"

"You wish!" Aurora replies back. "Like anybody would ever dance with you."

"Let's see about that, Dark Dragonflame Ray!" He shouts.

"Cold Spraying Spike!"

Ogron ducks the sharply spinning icicles letting out water.

"Wow, you really are a cold hearted as the legends say!" He responds. "Dark Flame Spheres!"

"Multi Ice Spears!" Aurora conjures immediately cancelling out his heat.

"Dark Flame Shield!" His shield melts the ice though.

"Smarter than most but I know you're not aiming for me, Suzbero girl!"

"Air blast!" Gantlos came out ontop he was channeling his air powers the weakest of them but the most affective for him. It knocked all of the fairies out of the air except Aurora she was used to Frigid winds and rough drafts.

"My sisters! How did you?" She gasped.

"I'm a seismic wizard, peasant fairy of Winter. I suggest you all back off before I make the ground quake like crazy!" Gantlos threatens them. He put his hand up and his magic was glowing but what was even was because of the seismic powers it didn't have a color to be shown.

"I will never surrender to a man like you!" vows Aurora she was about to throw another attack when a bright green light emerges from the area between them.

"Stop it!" A fairy emerges on the ground. "Emerald shield!"

She blasted Aurora's magic away from Gantlos and the other wizards.

"Emerilda how dare you?" asked Nebula. "We were so close."

"Cannot you guys not see you were about to kill living beings?! I don't care for us being enemies at the moment. But I will not let my best friend ever after lose their sanity through the years just because of the negative effects of war! That is not what a fairy is! And it is not what a fairy should be and she should never be encouraged to become like this." Emerilda replies.

"I will not stand for this your wizard boy is after my niece and I will not let her get hurt!" Nebula yells.

"WHAT? I thought I told you two to play it safe Dumant and Gantlos!" Ogron bellows. "Thanks Fairy for telling me that cold hearted truth, Lady Nebula."

"Oops! Sorry!" exclaims Gantlos. Emerilda heard that word. If they knew how to say those words surely they could be forgiven eventually. But peace would take a long time to come and it would take special fairies of which the Earth and the Magic Dimension had little of and why because of the Alfea Champions young girls didn't believe in themselves and they had nobody that they needed to help earn the Believix form.

"Leave us all of you," says Emerilda. "Rest! Yes, you two Nebula!"

"Not a chance, alone with these four I'm Alfea graduate weren't not allowed to do such a thing."

"Fine but everyone else leave! You don't need to be here yet." The other fairies disappeared back to their homes.

"Good to see you sister, it would be better if I didn't have to fight my own relative, Nebula." (sister is short for sister in-law Jane Austen doesn't this with Elizabeth and Wickham Elizabeth calls him brother because he is married to her sister but the full term is brother in law but in England they kind of shorten)

"Well, you said to me once that not all families get along guess that's just one of these many cases." Nebula responds. "We'll be enemies as long as you threaten my planet and the lands I grew up in. This is just the way it has got to be. I can't go down your path. It's not who I'm Gantlos, dear brother do you understand."

Meanwhile outside as the other four had walked into the shadows the green haired fairy remained in front of Ogron in the forest.

"I know why you are here, you're here because you're afraid that Valtor will return and steal everything from you. Including the homes and things you hid around the Magic Dimension you two have a little rivalry going on don't you? You're both brothers of the Dark Dragonflame. Your Mother favored him over you and yet he wasn't even her son. That is what hurts you. You came to Earth looking for a home. You hate all this pain you caused yet you have no choice because of your background that the Magic Dimension won't accept you. You destroyed Obscura so Valtor wouldn't get everything didn't you? I know the others have different more immoral motives than you but I can see you're trying to fight that drive of greed powers and conquest that Dark Dragonflame begs you to precede in. Answer me no or yes, Ogron am I right?" She asked her yellow yellow eyes sparkling bright once again.

"Yes, you are right. I'm afraid after everything Valtor's been through when he does he return he'll destroy everything in his path. But how did you know?" He asked.

"There's protective love wrapping around your heart from your sister and your cousin (feminine) whom you told them you didn't care what path they took to become bad or good and that it was up to them, that's how."


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