The Imbalanced Magic

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Janice Nymph of Fireplaces Nymph of Domino in her Alfea training outfit for the Alfea Secret Garden Aviary.

"You've said the whole place has magic that is unstable but why?" questioned Autumnrose. "Why would a magical place as beautiful and perfect and peaceful as this room chamber? It doesn't make much sense."

"Do you feel that?" asked Diletta. "There is sourness upon the air today.""

"Also it's getting hotter by the minute." Lilyice responds.

"Look the whole seasons in here are all out of whack they don't know who they are."

"This isn't good we only have two of the seasonal powers here, I'm just the Fairy of Songs and Harmony of the Melody realm." Diletta responds. "I can't help with this."

"If only we could get in contact with Icelily, she is the Nymph of Snowy Meadows," says Marlene.

"Then what do we do?" asked Lilyice.

"I'd say that is where we need to go do you see this S shaped smoke in the distance it's all black."

"Ahhhh!" exclaims Janice. "I sense that is where Daphne went to considering that she just pooped away. And it hurts."

"How can smoke hurt when you have no burns."

"That's not smoke smoke doesn't have a face nor shape and it's not darkness of the night," noted Autumrose. "Neither does night have a shape nor face, but it is black and there is another thing that is black doesn't have a face or a form or shape."

"I'm confused what is that, Autumn?" asked Janice.

"Yeah, can you please explain yourself a little more to us?" inquires Lilyice

"Yes, please, Autumrose explain it a bit clearer?" inquires Diletta.

"What blackens our hearts are our mistakes, and when we do not accept that we make them we become a victim of sin which is a worse curse than the darkness of the normal evening night and shadows that linger we only fear the nights and darkness for we feel as if we are walking through sins that we make." Autumnrose throughly narrating it to her friends.

"Maybe if we find the mistakes that were made in the past and appease the Secret Garden Aviary again." says Marlene. "It will give us our friend back and grant us one blessing to let the newer generations of fairies to learn about the environment in here."

Marlene's image in her training outfit below for Alfea Secret Garden Aviary room, Marlene is introduced in the comics.

"It might be worthwhile to check out Marleena's idea and the only one who can do that is Diletta you may not have a strong link to any of the elements, but you hear so many voices you're strong nymph in your own right

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"It might be worthwhile to check out Marleena's idea and the only one who can do that is Diletta you may not have a strong link to any of the elements, but you hear so many voices you're strong nymph in your own right." Lilyice explained. "It doesn't matter if you're a nymph over a certain season of the year or if you are a nymph of a certain major element you're still a major nymph to us despite your lack of most knowledgable things. Meditate and talk to the howling winds of the previous years of this school. Only you have the power to calm it with your powerful Harmony of songs."

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