Merryyemus & Charmed Life Brothers

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"Hey, Desertrose, would you do me the honor of a dance?" Charm asked bowing in front of the Fairy of Vibrations.

"Solette, Eagalia mentioned you have a heart of Sunshine burning as intensely as the Dragonflame." Rome replied. "May I dance with your fairy Merryyemus?"

"Sure, she isn't my fairy yet though, Rome." says Merry. "Besides do I look like a totally idiot to blow up on just a couple people just asking for a dance? I'm not that kind of guy. So don't even need to ask me. But the Red Fountains will need to ask my permission though."

"Hey!" Cyprian comments. "I resent that what's this pauper got against us huh?"

"Don't you dare call him that," Theo stepped in front of him.

"By rights these two musician stars shouldn't even be here." Severin said defending Red Fountain.

"You wanna play that game, then maybe Saladdin should have expelled your friend, Anne's brother over there." Charm yelled back loudly.

"You did what?" asked Cyprian. He looked a Palmerrow.

"I was easing the tension. I don't agree with all of Saladdin's ways just like Theodore, Cyprian besides it was their dream to meet two fairies, and when Anne told me Charm and Rome was looking to chat or sit down with a Solarian fairy about something very peculiar, I was told I had to invite them. I just got this big serious feeling."

"I still can't believe you went behind Saladdin's back." Severin replied.

"Rome of course, I will dance with you." says Solette. She wasn't beginning to fall for the musician man.

"I met your Princess Princess Eagalia, Lady Solette."

"So?" She asked as she placed a hand on his should and his waist.

"She's very beautiful Beautiful as sunfire."

"I don't understand what you mean." states Solette.

"She is the eye the lit candle of all that remains of the Magic Dimension's Dragonflame. The Sundragon has granted its magics to your Princess. You must have realized by now your powers are so fire like even when they're not, and the reason why the Magic Dimension doesn't show signs of an offkilter world. There is also a species of animal that still bears the Phoenix flames, Lady Solette."

She twirled under his arms and allowed Merryyemus to step in with grace and elegance. Solette was dazed as she continued dancing with Griselda's handsome son. How did Rome know about the Solar Starlight Dragon? Daphne briefly mentioned it was where Sunfairies got their powers from it.

After Solette finished dancing then Charm walked up to her and asked. "How's Varanda and Callisto?"

"Prince Mercury's been stripped of his royalties and freedom he's been sentenced to imprison for a year in Obilivionholds. Though with his anger I don't think that's gonna last very long." sighs Solette. "As far as I know according to Crown Princess Ambrosia everything else is okay."

Meanwhile over in the Wildlands, Loon struggled to resist the predatory instinct of the coyote he was turned into every little creature that was capable of fitting into his mouth he wanted to harm. And that was bad disharmony in the Wildlands meant disharmony in all of the Magic Dimension. The transformed boy's frustration grew bigger and bigger and Shadowclone was able to tap into the frustrated energies as well.

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