Frog Covered Snow

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"Shake it off! Shake off that Mental Disbelief in your head about your skills!"

Icy and Stormy returned home to the shock of their lives multiple colored frogs up against the fake snow turf. Yep you heard me right fake snow turf.

"Is it just me or does the house smell like smoking flies?" asked Stormy.

"Eurgh! Where did all these slimy frogs come from!" hollered Icy madly icicle sheets splattered the rough ground. Roselight giggled. She found amusing and entertaining at the same time.

"The hundreds of the frogs at our front door isn't the worst thing that could happen Icy." said Stormy. "I actually love them. They're sweet and cuddly."

She picked one up and hugged it.

"Stormy frogs mucus carry Salmonella poisoning put the frog back on the ground go wash your face, little sister right this instance now, before you get us all sick, young lady!" Icy demanded. Stormy reluctantly obeyed, and placed the frog down gesturing into the house as she opened the front door for her sister furiousness etched in her face. Stormy frowned and pouted.

"Don't give me that pouty face Stormy." insisted Icy. "Darcy's in more trouble than you are, sis." She glared at the green smoke spewing from the chimney.

"She's so going to get it," said Icy clenched fists ready to punch something straight and hard glowering. She dropped her jaws when she saw Roselight on the shredded snow tarp with a green frog right beside her letting her touch it. Then Roselight quickly put hand santizers on her hands after putting the frog back on the ground. "Bye-bye Forest, my frog."

"Why are Dyadic village fairies of Dyamond the ones to adore the worst, the slimmiest and the grossiest of creatures?!" Icy immediately asked.

"The gross, slimmy, and the creepy all have a purpose in this world and that's what makes them beautiful to me." Roselight replied. "I only like the green one anyways he was the biggest you can get rid of the rest, my Ice witch the honors all yours. Besides my daddy would freak out if he ever saw this many frogs living, hopping and breathing around at least we're home first."

Icy concentrated on her ice magic and she left Roselight's big male frog alone but turned the others into two rows of frog ice statues.

"Now that's cool," said Roselight.

"Thank you," answered Icy. "Do you mind getting dinner ready? I have to have a serious chat with my eldest sister in our triplet set."

"No of course not, dinner will be ready be the time you all come back downstairs." said Roselight. "What's it like to have sisters, Icy?"

"Bitterly annoying, they drive you nuts and crazy sometimes," added Icy and to be honest that's true.  Icy's little sisters can get a tad annoying. However Darcy was out of the house through the back door.

"Man I didn't think a Frog rat would be this fast." mumbled Darcy chasing after it the frog it was bigger because the body was abnormal for frog size. "Note to self never use a rat as a guinea pig ever again for frog potions." She was panting.

"Ugh, why couldn't it have been a trained party rat or something!" growls Darcy. "I'm coming to get you you Amphibious Rodent animal."

Meanwhile Aisha reentered Pixie village with Digit's help after spending the day on a phone conversation.

"My love, Teredor are you okay?" asked Niobe. Aisha could see her father was drenched from head to toe. The stream in Pixie village was roaring louder than yesterday.

"I'm fine, just stupid angry water splashed me!" Teredor responds. Aisha covered her giggle with her hands over her mouth immediately, but Rosywaters Niobe's pixie was annoyed by Teredor's harsh language.

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