The Pulsing The Magic

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"What is that energy surge, Darkar?" asked Moonmaid.

"I'm not sure," Darkar said. "The heat of regular dragon-fire of the Dragons of Lulea. I tried once and lost the body I gained in minutes and that took months to rebuild myself and my power reserve. Why else did you think I had to rely on four or five powerful dark witches to payback the rest of my family, now would I Moonfairy? Those witches were worthless except for the quantity of their powers, good intentions do not work here in Shadowhaunt unless your magic doesn't illusion you from keeping a great and cool head and strong conscience. Otherwise, I take them as simple toys, and throw them in my dungeon and they are lost forever to my darkest shadows."

"Let me go!" exclaims Moonlily.

"You don't need freedom darling, you need balance and determination," says Darkar. "I need your help and your powers and there's no way for you to make it out on your own. Your magic protects its own so very well Moonlady. Just take a look upon the fortress entrance and see what you have brought back. My minions have started hatching from their Shadow eggs."

Moonlily's jaws dropped open as she looked towards the entrance Shadow Monsters with four legs and rubber bodies and some had spiked armor over their backs.

"Ahhh!" exclaims Moonlily as Darkar hit her with his Shadow Magic. "Tell me about Alfea's weaklink, Moonmaid!"

"I don't know anything!" exclaims Moonlily as she stayed on her back in wincing pain. "Honestly!"

"Then do you know something else I would much appreciate needing to know where did you come from? Which realm, Moonlily? You don't have to waste your breath your mind will speak for me."

"I sense much anger and distress and anguish in you, you were slaves on Emberrose realm your parents died in a ship crash leaving you and your sister stranded, and you met many masters and yet your service was under appreciated and underestimated and taken for granted in those Dark volcanic like depths of the mansions of your only home you've ever known." says Darkar. "Since you know how servitude goes, I won't have to be so hard on you let me teach you how to fool everyone one of them I won't be hard on you, Moomaid."

"We'll see how true this could be I know men just like you power crazy and a liar." sighs Moonlily. "I've seen a bunch of men, soldiers even break their word not just for pride, money but also for fame. I may be your prisoner but I know nothing much much of importance to you, Lord Doorkar."

"I will not take that hard sass from a freshman fairy, it doesn't matter much to me what your head knows but what the essence of your powers know, young little fairy, and it has a lot of knowledge from the regular Alfea library that you've read upon and that is helpful, sit. If we are to win this battle to come your mind can not wander my prisoner, my slave. Sit down, child."

"I will not meditate with you beside me." Moonlily snapped looking Darkar in the eyes. "I will not strengthen my powers for you to use them against my allies."

"Allies." Darkar chuckled. "The Witches of Cloudtower are more Allies to those loyal to the cause of your school, several student groups at Alfea Academy are so very divided and everyone knows a divided house cannot ever stand for long. They're not very decisive as of right now, Moonmaid. Or wouldn't they have come to get you the last people brave enough and strong enough to enter the endless twisty caverns of rock were Griffin and Faragonda to make sure there was no trace of me, but the Magix guards wouldn't let them go till they passed an insane survival mode test. If Alfea wasn't so indecisive maybe they would have sent a search party to look for you."

Back at Alfea Academy in the dorm where the Winx Club would stay as students at Alfea Academy Anne asked. "Is anyone recording this scenario and miracle?"

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