Bloom's Present

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Sunday, August 20, 1995
Roxy walked downstairs surprised to see both Klaus and Morgana at the table food waiting for her.

"Roxy Bloom left you a present the entire set of pocket book taled by Beatrix Potter. She came by earlier. She said you slept all day Saturday in the car ride back here."

"Yeah, Friday evening really wore me out, although I am glad I won't have Mike's alarm waking me up anymore. It wad great time though. I really enjoyed Selina and Bloom they're like big sisters to me."

"Come eat and then open your present from Bloom." Morgana insists of her daughter.

Dear Roxanne,
I could not ask for a more worthy younger friend. Your parents have done so well in raising you right. I was thrilled to have you at my side. Too often people of our world forget how much we need optimism that dwells in your heart. Keep it always in your heart so that it stays at the forefront of your mind. I can tell as you age that you will never be inclined to be rash and thoughtless. You are special, you are you and you are perfect the way you are. When you start elementary school next year let nobody change you, cause the only approval you need to be happy is your own. And the only person that decides how successful you can become is you. You can choose who you want to be when you grow up, my friend.

And in the time between next we meet please whenever you are bored enjoy these books that I had sent to your home.
The entire collection of the Beatrix Potter tales for children just like you.

#1. The Tale of Peter Rabbit published 1901-1902
#2. The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin (1903)
#3. The Tailor of Gloucester (1903) this one is one of my favorite Christmas stories. Sometimes I think I hear animals talk on the Christmas holidays do you hear them too?
#4. The Tale of Benjamin Bunny (1904)
#5. The Tale of Two Bad Mice (1905)
#6. The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle (1905)
#7. The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan (1905)
#8. The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher (1906)
#9. The Story of A Fierce Bad Rabbit (1906)
#10. The Story of Miss Moppet (1906)
#11. The Tale of Tom Kitten (1907)
#12. The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck (1908)
#13. The Tale of Samuel Whiskers or, The Roly-Poly Pudding (1908)
#14. The Tale of The Flopsy Bunnies (1909)
#15. The Tale of Ginger and Pickles (1909)
#16. The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse (1910)
#17. The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes (1911)
#18. The Tale of Mr. Tod (1912)
#19. The Tale of the Pigling Band (1913)
#20. Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes (1917)
#21. The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse (1918)
#22. Cecily' Parsley's Nursery Rhymes (1922)
#23. The Tale of Little Pig Robinson (1930)

Oh and good luck in your first year, I know it isn't easy. It's never been easy for me. You can find me in that year two floors above you at noon sharp in the study hall if you need a hand with any homework.

See you around as the Music bar Roxanne. Oh and don't forget to teach Artu to sit at the doors before entering or exiting the house. A patient person makes a patient dog, Roxanne. I know with each hour that passes you'll soon grow like a flower blooming your full first blossom
Love Bloom.

"Oh," said Roxy. "I don't get letters as sweet as this." She held the paper to her chest. "Am I going to school next year at Gardenia All Grades Academy?"

"You are Roxy." said Klaus. "Morganna and I have decided it's time for you to learn how to do things on your own without the need of a Supervisor."

"I switched jobs." says Morganna. "I'm now working at a retail store. And Klaus would like you to help out at the smoothie  bar. It will teach you how to cook and handle appliances on your own."

"Plus, you will get to spend more time with me." spoke Klaus. "And it will give you the decent chance to walk Artu. A dog needs exercise above everything else including affection. No exercise you have a frisky dog that's not discipline at all."

Roxy had been hearing tiny voices insects at first like Bloom like bees and fireflies and mantises and ladybugs and butterflies especially all kinds of insects. She had heard whispers on the streets of elderly woman saying. "'Those who have ears listen well and open up your heart, my Mamma and Papa once told me "But it's an old story in an old story that all beasts can talk, in the night between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the morning though there are few to hear them or know what they say. So everyone listen up and find miracles that have surrounded you everyday all the time. Listen very well.'"

"Excuse me." said Morgana. "I must take this, Klaus. Enjoy your day off from the Music bar, love."

She walked out the door closing it behind her.

"Emerilda," She addressed. The two of them walked into a dark alleyway.

"I've tried to do as you ask Nebula however isn't giving up she wants to hurt her relatives so badly she is losing control. I fear if we don't something to stop her she could cause huge problems that Green Dry Lightning was dangerous enough. We've ignored and neglected the humans long enough by egging the wizards on by this we have impoverished them into many wars over the globe itself."

"You are right, you still have your Spirit Magnet Containment Spell on the white circle, Fairy of Emerald Magnets?" inquires the Queen of All Earth Fairies.

"Yes, but why is that important all of a sudden, my Queen?"

"Because if Nebula gets to aggressive let the wizards win the fight. Allow her to loose her wings and take her spiritual being and pull inside the circle with you, because I agree with you we cannot let the Wizards distract us from protecting our true first and foremost power source: the humans and now it is the children we will protect. That last battle was too close in proximity to my own daughter. Therefore we must keep Gardenia safe. Find those scammers and break up that scheme. That should be a number 1 priority, Emerilda. Your Mother Siblya should be very proud of you and your wise words of judgement."

"I only hope that your Majesty doesn't forget them too soon." speaks Emerilda. "I sometimes realize that one of the most important things a fairy can do is defend not attack their opponents I believe there is magic still here in the Muggle World that most Wizards cannot even begin too see because they believe magic is so scarce when it is so abdundant and blinding to the Wizarding World."

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