Candling Meditation

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Darcy's pov

"Sit Aquarose, I will teach you how to use and read candling meditation magic activity." I spoke to the younger girl.

Aquarose sat on the yellow carpet floor next to a wooden table with a single candle in front of her. I lit the candle as she informed her. "Focus your minds let them move about in a circle you cast around yourself let the candle read its vibe."

The smoke blue towards the water nature fairy.

"The smoke is blowing towards her what does that mean?" asked Anne.

"It means her prayer at heart will be answered in the right time, Anne." answered Daphne.

"Daphne's right." said Darcy. "Anne you next."

"It's kind of fun to try and guess what the candle's gonna read from you. Enjoy it while you can, it's a more interesting meditation cycle."

Anne sat in folded legs.

"Imagine a circle around you and you the center."

"I hear something it is like crackling." Anne replied. I stepped back a moment from the relit candle. And not only was it making the sound it was blowing away from Anne the smoke."

The others looked at her in shock and said. "Let's take a break, Anne, Alderra and Solette can I talk to you alone in private? I don't want to scare the others." Darcy spoke. "You need others to hear what the candle flames have read."

So they went into Solette and Anne's room with Alderra.

"When the smoke is blowing away it means mystery aid will come to you Anne determined by the Great Spirit of the Universe, it wants your desire to succeed but the smoke is white there will be many delays and the crackling of the flames is the voice of the Great Spirit saying to you when you need my aid you will surely get it oh worthy water fairy of Andros."

"I guess I'll have to earn their help anyways, every Creator of the universe wants to realize their hero is worthwhile spending their time on." said Anne. "Aisha promised me she would set things straight when she finally becomes Queen and I can trust in that, I'm patient unlike other water fairies of Andros Realm."

"Her perseverance and endurance is admirable." I noted.

"That's why she actually leads, Solette's the strongest after Anne in the group and that makes her second in command. We know our Magixwinx team can succeed at anything, Darcy and we have a more trained fairy now, Elevate's being welcome into our team." Alderra explained. "Whatever you must face on your journey Anne, Solette and I are by your side, right?"

"Right." answered Solette. "After all, all three of us are Sisters in the Laws of Mother Nature, Water fairy, Earth fairy and I'm a Light fairy."

"How do you do that Candling Meditation thing anyway?" asks Anne.

"The first thing is a protective circle in the mind after you have your candle lit up, the circle is where you do the meditation. Fairies and witches have telekinesis and an inner aura of candleflames you don't need to light a regular candle, what I did tonight is a safer basic practice exercise a basic prediction as I would not jeopardize further the school that's going to get attacked tomorrow night and I don't know how. I had to warn you girls and this was the best way to do it."

"It's got be that moon fairy," said Anne. "And that's a problem. I'm a water fairy. Moon fairies can take control over my water powers and manipulate them and there is a new moon coming out tomorrow night."

"And I won't be here, Asherra and I are leaving with Palladium to learn about the Magix herd for you and your sisters questions that need answering we won't be back till Sunday evening most likely at the lastest even Monday possibly."

"There might be a way to play the Moon fairy's game." said Torrence. "My friend here has her ways with manipulating moon magic, Minnia

"I sense you are the Fairy of Eclipses."

"Nymph of the Magix Eclipse actually, I'm Minnia currently the only Nymph of Magix. If she sees an illusion of the real new moon and it may temporal weaken her for the younger fairies to knock her out very quickly." Minnia replied as the girls had finally opened the door to Solette and Anne's room.

"I'm sorry you have to be surrounded by so much hatred and darkness, Darcy and Anne it's so shameful." stated Elevate sitting down between them. "I'm glad you came with Aquarose. Aquarose joined them sitting on Darcy's left side and handed Darcy a cup of water, and begged her. "Please drink Fluid works against the toxins in your bloodstream, Darcy, let it help you out for now."

Darcy took a tiny sip and sighs. "Thanks Aqua."

"You're most welcome." says Aquarose.

"I'm so proud of you, my little sister, you have not judged as quickly this witch as many others your age would have done. On Lynphea the nymphs of Seasons and the nymphs of the Elements and the Nymphs of Temperatures each have a counterpart witch which we have never fought it with. We have a code to live by and don't treat witches as the enemy for just like you and Torrence you are Sisters of the Shadows and Sisters of Nature." Autumnrose said gently.

"There is a little too much chaos in the world right now, isn't there Nymph of Autumn?"

"Yes, more than I wished to have ever existed and even through this iron walls many realms have put up I wish there was a silver light lining to all of this."

"All we can do is hope that hope and faith will see us through the next 24 bitter hours." Darcy responds. "I'll fight with you, I'll stand with you. I cannot let Lette or friends get hurt. I need them, my sisters need them and their help. I can help strategize if you want. All you have to do is ask me your opinion."

"How is it that you were able to block out Darkar's mind control on Daphne?" asked Autumnrose.

"I don't know how, but there is a theory it is because I'm full of Shadow magic powers." said Darcy. (I know what you are going to say though for those of you who read the sneak peeks in the Character Catalogue chapter Winx In Trouble and why Darcy didn't try to set them free and that is because Darcy could do Daphne because she didn't possess the Dragonflame anymore just regular fire elements and that made Darkar's mind control weak even over the Dark side of Daphne and Darcy's shadowy presence was too immense for him to resist at that time. Will Daphne tell Bloom she and Darcy met before later on? Yes, yes they will discuss this."

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