What is the Problem?!

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"Oh boy, no use changing the oil while the engine's still running." Digit remarked. "This is closest I am getting ever getting to being on a debate show."

"Well then keep an eye on, Piff, Digit while you listen to this argue festival!" Rosy adds immediately. "I have to get the healer Pixies, young gentleman pixie of nanotechnology."

"Got it covered Miss." Digit answered blindly.

"Thanks, I owe you one."

"Wait, what did I just agree to?" questioned Digit. But Rosy had already taken off. Piff was sleeping on the grassy ground unaffected by the actions around her.

"Why do you have such a hate towards that island?" Aisha demanded. "I'm tired of the lies and your secrets you hide and brush it off as nothing, Daddy! The world won't hide from me and I can't from it for my whole lifetime sooner or later I will have to face the music and its rhythms. What do you not like Anne or her brother?"

"I said stop talking about those white folk!"

"Oh! So you don't like their family, because they're white?" gasped Aisha. "Then how the hell are their white servants as my maids and white manservant, Father?! You're logical reasoning is twisted!"

"Aisha stop that," shouted Niobe. "Don't say anymore." She stood up her side had been scrapped against the rock and was bleeding. Niobe's husband was alarmed when he saw the bleeding. Teredor sighed and walked away and for the first time in forever Aisha saw a traumatized face.

"Dad, what's wrong?!" She asked. She called out reaching her hand to him.

"Let him cool off daughter, you just triggered his PTSD, honey." Niobe replied.

"Mom, you're bleeding," said Aisha. "How could Daddy do this to you?!"

"I'll be fine, sweetie." said Niobe. "Besides it is not completely his fault."

"What do you mean he pushed you to the ground, Mom?" inquired Aisha. "His Father should have taught him better."

"Aisha, your Grandfather, your Father's father was never their for his sons as soon as he found his wife was pregnant with twin boys he ran away and left crown and theone behind never to ever be seen again since. Layla took over put the Kingdom back in shape many in the Kingdom were upset that the Kingdom finally had its first mixed race ruler when it had always been black people beforehand. Bullying was common on both sides. Layla was so disgusted with the behavior that she sent the oldest servants the ones who were the most haughty and proud off on a Wild goose chase after something that would not exist and hired their siblings in their place fearing the Queen's annoyance they servants in the palace married servants who worked in the palace that's why the palace is what it is today, daughter Aisha, but everywhere except the palace and its mainland bullies still exist and so do the bullied. Queen Layla was so smart that fooled many who went on her mission with crazily written letters that altogether they severed their connections to Andros completely, and never bothered returning to see how their families were. And many of them are believed dead, child. Hears some words of wisdom Princess, "'Never ever treat people the way you don't deserve to be treated.'" Remember this."

"I will remember your advice, always Mom, I promise." Aisha cried. "So Grandfather was black, how could he have been so irresponsible?"

"It unfortunately runs in our culture, black fathers often ran away from the responsibility of being a Father, mine wanted nothing to do with either, Aisha. So my Mom remarried, and I had a Father who already a daughter that looked almost like you except for your ocean eyes." Niobe responds.

This isn't actually a joke. In the United States in the time of the Great Depression a good chunk of African couples who were married and their wives were with child a good number of the husbands just took off running away from the responsibility of raising a child in a proper family. This did happen and can happen to many couples still today in our current time period. Boys say they want to hang get with a girl and the next thing you know they freak about the girl being pregrant, and frantically begged their girlfriend/wife to just not keep the baby and then if the wife tells them that she's not gonna give up on the child, they cheat and break up and cause the exact same cycle of history all over again with the new girl. Well boys a bridge has two sides and it takes two loyal parents to make a responsible child, if you're not ready for kids yet, don't marry, and if you're not ready for a wife but lonely adopt an older child. It kills me to see how real it is for older children to grow up all their lives in a foster care system. This is a real thing and an older child isn't so much stress on the household, and when they've left the house they've given you experience and wisdom they don't realize they did, and they will heading out to teach the world the wisest things you've taught them while living with you, okay.

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