Hibernation Mode

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Daphne's Pov

"Body shut down reptilian hibernation be active!"

Her eyes closed and her breathing slowed and her pulse was down to one beat per minute and her body temperature went 10 times lower than Bloom's.

"Dilly stay with her, I'm going to go tell Autumnrose." said Diletta. "Daphne's gone to reptilian hibernation mode nymphs do this when someone more powerful than them and part of their bloodline is controlling their body and mind. Daphne had to raise walls around her heart to protect us all if she focused on anything but protecting her heart she'd loose this fight, Dilly. We will not be able to reach her no one can unless we find a way to break Darkar's control over her mind."

"But how none of us are from Domino or even passed on of their single tests?" asked Autumnrose.

"Stupid Princess," shouted Darkar. "Just like my daughter and the children after her. She's only delayed my plans for the Magix realm by 3 months later than usual at the most. Oh well, I still have other ways to make Magix pay their debt to me. "

Asherra and Alderra were called in separately together and informed by Autumnrose. "Daphne's going to be asleep for three months unless we can find a cure to this dreadful bloodline curse."

"We will find it, Autumn," stated Asherra. "Daphne's our friend's friend."

"Yes, we have to find a way to free her from this mess." Alderra responds.

"The Only way is to find the Bloodleague a book kept by the Bloodkeeper he receives and records all bloodlines and every oath and family curse that passed through after lineage, he is centuries old, mysterious as he is wise, and also far more creepy than your wildest fears because he will ask for a trade to break any oath or curse that links an ancient demon with its heroes. Unfortunately his whereabouts were lost in space and time." Erathorough spoke. "It's official she is in Burmation Reptilian Mammalian Hibernation Mode Sparkians are both warm blooded and cold blooded my fellow fairies they shut down temporarily when the air around them gets too cold and they can't keep their temperature at a sustainable level. The same thing is bound to occur to Darkar too unless he finds a moonfairy."

"Man, she is brave saying that."

"She's my sister, the Fairy and Nymph of Air on the Malorix realm. One of the last of her nymph kinds." Torrence announces. "She sent me off to Lulea when our planet wasn't doing too well thanks to Farcelia and Ress. I really hate those fairies that happen to be of wind and flame!"

"Malorix realm don't those fairies know they're famous for the Malorix Piano and it Springnote Colors?" asked Alderra. "Didn't they donate that to Melody yet?"

"Not yet, we still have it," said Torrence.

"Daphne you go into hibernation mode isn't going to protect anyone."

"Face it Darkar you can't last long in the colder months to come either you've lost your heat source you're only coldblooded now, Ancestor!"

Shadowvale heard Daphne's left over Magic in water magic below Shadowhaunt.

"Is this true?" He whipped around asking his captive that question which Daphne ignited.

"Shut up!" The Darkar Phoenix threw him against floor again back against the wall.

"You should be more tender with your prisoners."

"Oh, I will Pied Piper but this man this knight this paladdin will be an example to all others to fear me, Alvrico!" shouted Darkar. "You will not cross me again! Show me his uncle's whereabouts!"

Shapeshifter Mountain on Lynphea appeared in the dark crystal on Shadowvale's coat.

"Interesting," laughed Darkar hidden in the Nature realms when some chaos is already happening eh?"

"Wait a moment, who was that?" He felt a flicker of the phoenix flame and a smidgen of the Dragon flame coming from Lulea where Flora was staying in Lulean Palace awwh what a precious angel. You know not of how close we are related dear little Flora. But you are too young to be messed with that's for sure."

Flora woke up her heart racing like she felt someone watching her from far beyond the borders of Lynphean and Lulean Realms.

"You okay, Flora I thought I heard you scream?"

"Roger, I felt someone watching me from above or behind; it's a little unclear, but it felt like eagle stares do. I'm nervous and frightened. You know don't you? Why am I the one destined to revive Lulea what makes me capable of Magic that's impossible for everyone else?"

"You're not an ordinary, Flower Fairy that's all I can tell you." Roger said. "The rest will come explain itself in time, Lady Flora! Your little sister needs another feed."

"Why did someone keep keeping something so special about me from me?" asked Flora. "This is frustrating, my appearance is answered I have brown hair and emerald eyes because of Agnes' appearance is exactly mind and Princess Horn gave me a blessing with her wand magic gifting me that natural beautiful camouflage I have within the woods. That was one question answered. Roger looked sadly at me as if he wanted to explain more, but couldn't.

"I'm sorry if I knew anything I would tell you every bit of it." said Roger. "But I've been kept in the dark too, Flora. All I know is you are descended from a family line that has lived on for centuries, my dear, sweet little flower."

As they brought Daphne into a private infirmary wing, Palladium quickly checked her over and agreed with Erathorough, Autumnrose and Diletta all had to say. He was met by his niece Asherra at the door.

"Palladium, do you know what the Magix herd is?"

"My little niece it's a herd of Horses. Magic horses." said Palladium. "Do you not remember one of your Aunts' stories about them? She used to read it to you till you finally fell asleep, Ashe."

He ruffled her dark red hair. She blushed.

"Well then this Saturday how about a trip back to the realm of the Elves, Uncle with Alderra of course?" inquired Asherra.

"Fine with me," He says. "Your Aunt Mercy knows more about it than I do."

"Very funny, uncle." She stopped when she noticed his serious face. "Wait, you're not joking?!"

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