Signs of Firesight Honing

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Bloom's Pov
"Bloom are you okay?" asked Roxy. "You've been holding your head like that ever since we got into this building! Do you have a fever?"

"Eugh! Selina is there a fan we can turn on in here?" I inquired. "I don't get why it is so hot in here!"

Selina shrugged her shoulders and flipped on the fan on the ceiling.  But Bloom still didn't feel any cooler yet. Wisteria being an Earth pixie and Pixie of Wishes was watching the girls because she was invisibly cloaked to all but Selina at the moment in time she could hang around them as them as long as they didn't see Selina talking to air as abnormal.

They were not putting on the pepperoni and olives on top of the multiple cheeses.

"Do you know what I don't get?" asked Selina.

"Selina we're not mind readers," said Roxy with a laugh. "What don't you get?"

"Is what people in the United States have the nerve to ruin a perfectly good Italian pizza by plopping jalapeños on it isn't pepperoni or Italian sausage kick enough on the pizza?"

"I believe that only an American Spanish thing." remarks Bloom as she spreads the sliced in half olives over the pizza top.

"It is done." said Roxy. "And all three of us are covered in flour and we have extra what do we do it with now?"

"Um cooking flour is a perfect Aphid repeller for the tomato plants out back in my Mon's vegetable garden, Roxy."

"We set the temperature to 190 degrees Celsius right, Selina?" inquires Bloom.

"Yes and never more than that. And cook it only for 20 minutes Bloom, since it's not frozen like store bought ones." stated Selina. "Roxy,  and I will go dump what is left of the flour in the measuring cup on the tomato plants.

Meanwhile Bloom was waiting for the temperature to set as she placed the pizza on the long wooden stick. The oven dings. 190 degrees Celsius. Bloom moved away from the stick temporarily to lower the oven door and put on oven mitts before she pulled out the racket with the circular dish on the highest one rack. Then she went back to the long wooden paddle like lifter that helped you lift the pizza into the oven and she was able to see the pizza into the circular tray. She put the paddle tool back, and pushed in the top rack and closed the oven door setting the timer on her pager on her belt for twenty minutes. As she took off her oven mits and left them on the island counter she returned to watch the fire do it's just.

There was just a small spark and then the flames seemed to link and dance together.
Then I saw as the flames made even more strict shapes that I could see Satyrs and Fauns as the flames that were linked together. It was what came next though that startled her as she continues to watch the fire work she saw a lion of fire in the oven flowy mane ripples in gold and the star of the Dragon's constellation eye grew as did the roaring of the fire of the oven and last but not least of all Bloom saw more than one form of dragon designs two from the fantasy book series she had read here on Earth and another from a Chinese myth.

"Drag, dragon!" She screams. Selina emerged at the door when she heard that.

She looks in the oven window and hugged her best friend. "Calm down, Bloom. Dragons aren't really real here!"

"Don't you realize how ironic that statement was?" inquires Wisteria in Selina's ears.

"Not now," mumbles Selina.

"What is going on here? Selina, you're acting a little weirder than usual?" gasped Bloom.

"I know what I saw, it was like the fire in that oven guessed everything fantasy book I've read that has a dragon in it."

"Even I could guess those Bloom." says Selina.

"Oh! Really? Tell me now?" asked Bloom.

"One The Harry Potter Series, The Chronicles of Narnia and the Chinese Myths of Dragons and I believe you have also read the Hobbit too."

Bloom stood dumbfounded at this. Selina grabbed her head . "Close your eyes Roxy."

Roxy did. Bloom's mouth was covered with one of Selina's hands and her other hand. She concentrates hard on her telekinesis powers man it was difficult to find one memory in a secret fairy's brain who's powers were so much stronger than she was right now, but she found it the scene of her talking to air, and she whispered. "Memory oblivate the mystery voice!"

Selina stopped concentrating, and she went to Roxy, and said, "You can open your eyes now." As all of Selina's moon magic had vanished from the air by now.

"What were you saying about me being weird again Bloom?" inquires Selina as she let go of Bloom's mouth.

"That's funny! I don't remember what I was going to say, Selina. But do you believe me about the myths showing up in the fire and flames."

"Of course I do, but it could also be that your imagination is going rampant on you."

"It wasn't my imagination, I will do it again." says Bloom. She stepped in front of the oven and stared at the flames.  And suddenly she saw something else a dog in the flames a bloodhound for adoption at one of Gardenia's Animal Rescue.

And it was just in time cause the pager timer beeps.

"I just a Bloodhound for a Adoption at Gardenia Animal Rescue Shelter they say if nobody takes him. He will be."

"Don't say it not even in front of the kid Bloom."

"I'm not going to get freaked out you know! If Bloom's says there's a dog there let's go adopt him before he gets euthanized tomorrow!" Roxy yells at them loudly.

"I will give them a call as they are just down the block," Bloom said. She turned off the oven. "You two can cut the pizza once it cools, this oven is getting really scary for me."

"You're not this much of a wimp usually, Bloom. Stop being a wuss."

"I never said I was afraid of the fire!" exclaims Bloom. "I said I'm scared whatever I just saw. I want that dog to get the perfect forever home and Roxy's home is the perfect forever home, Selina. This doesn't make me a wuss. Sorry, I got a little hot headed again, I need to step out of the hot room."

"Now that reasoning, I actually buy." as Selina.

"These girls are so strange yet caring and loving towards each other even though when they fight it gets hot and cold in here." mumbles Roxy. "Something is not quite normal about them but I can't quite understand why."

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