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"MW please don't leave me." Aisha responded. "I'm afraid of being alone and anandoned in the dark again."

"Automonophobia, I get it, but you got this from your father. He has the exact same phobia because of your Grandfather Aisha. Your fear is more severe because it's actually hereditary."

"You mean its genetic?" gasped Aisha. He nodded.

"Piece of advice, Aisha never going looking for a husband who cannot stand giving you your space it will only ensure the phobia is spread to your children." He warned her about Nex himself. Aisha smirked.

"I don't plan on getting married not since I saw what the guards did to my friend, Anne recalling the ragged dress caked with mud from the road the donkey lady told the guards not to take. I'm disgusted by the men of my world."

"You may not have a choice but to get married to one of those men, but only two them are even worth your respect and time on Andros. Your Father has been thinking about you being able to marry sometime in the future."

"Eurgh! Can't a Princess ever have her own say in life?" asked Aisha. "I hate my father he ruins my friendship with another water fairy of Andros, and to have you tell me I have this Automonophobia from my Grandpa because my Dad shows it and passed it genetically to me. And now he's trying to arrange me a husband. I've just about had it with him. He's ruining my childhood where I should be allowed to make some choices of my own about life!"

"It's a pain in the behind when parents just won't listen to their kids mine wouldn't listen to me, he nearly burned my face right off and my Mother's arm right off and gave her sister quite a panic attack. It killed my Aunt in the process instantly."

"What happened to your Father then?"

"I knocked him unconscious witj a hot frying pan and phoned the police. He's supposed to be imprisoned at Lightrock Fortress." He glares at the Dark forest seeing green and black eyes stare at him from afar yep that was right Alcuin was the very one who put his father in the Monastery prison dimension."

"Good story Son." Alvrico responded. He stepped out of the deep shadows.

"You again you were following me why, Pied Piper?" questioned Aisha at once defensively.

"Stay behind me, Princess Layla." MW informed her protectively. She took that as a signal that this man in the violet fern robes and glowing flute was a dangerous and erratic man.

"You won't touch her, man."

"I missed it when you once would call me Father," He replied with a raised eye followed with a cringy wink.

"My Father is dead to me," answered Alcuin solemnly. "You have destroyed him. Don't listen to whatever this stalker has to say, young girl."

"Princess of Andros your friend is here not far away, I could give you the talk you've always wanted, Aisha."

"My name isn't Aisha." Aisha refused him using her name like. But her left arm began to glow like it was set on fire her opposite her enemy magic.

"Nice try, trying to fool me. I know what Layla and Aisha both me in Arabic Your Grandmom was Layla her name meant Night and Aisha means She survives through the night a fitting name for her grandchild. That burning sensation up your arm is for your lying, little Princess." said The Pied Piper. "Anne's here you're a fairy you can slip through the barrier undetected and sneak into her dorm through the window."

"Why would you help her?" asked Alcuin still not trusting his own father.

"I hate seeing sad faces on child, son." Alvrico replied. "Especially yours, I never intended to leave you alone with your Mother and her sister, but My master cursed my magic and trapped me on Melody for years I couldn't go where you and your Mother went. I'm not the Pied Piper who came before me he was vile, but suffered a most undeserving disgusting death that I had to witness. The Company of Light who remain not all of them are as strong as we think especially not Saladdin."

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